Questioning Bill

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"I don't want too!"

"Bill it's not like I'm gonna hurt you."


Ford was trying to get Bill to answer his questions, but the demon wasn't cooperating with him. The man sighed and shook his head. Guess he'll need Dipper's help for this. "Dipper! I need your assistance in the living room please!"

Running footsteps down the stairs answered his call and Dipper appeared in the door way looking between the two. "What's up Great Uncle Ford?"

"I've finished ready my through the book. So I thought I might as well try to jog Bill's memory by asking him some questions. Could you get him to answer me?" Ford said as he sat on the chair.

Dipper nodded and went over to Bill. "Come on Bill, it probably won't be that bad. He'll just ask you a few question and leave you alone for the time being until he needs something else." He smiled as Bill sat across from Ford who smiled with the compliance. "Thank you."

"This because your telling me to do this PineTree." Bill mumbled to himself. He looked at Ford who had his small note book and pen ready. "So the faster we do this, the faster I can get away from you?"

"Yes Bill, just answer truthfully and you can go after with no problems." Ford replied.

Bill grinned, "Then ask away Sixer!"

"Okay, I'll say some names. I want you to tell me how you feel." Ford told the dream demon. He saw Dipper place his phone on the table for some reason, but he didn't mind it. Bill nodded and Ford started to say a name. "How do you feel about the name Ravie?"

"A bit mad and cold." Bill said instantly.


"Same thing as the name Ravie."


"Betrayed and lonely." Bill told the old man.


"Betrayed and sad."


"Angry and cold."


"Deceived and angry."


"Sad and unworthy."


"Sad and a little cold."


"Sorry and sad." Bill shook his head when he started feeling dizzy, even some weird images of people flashed in his mind, when the names went by. "Sixer, what the heck is going on?! Why are you asking me these questions?" Ford was too focus in writing down Bill's responses so the blond turned to Dipper. "Do you know PineTree?"

Dipper smiled sadly at Bill who calmed down a bit. "I know what's happening too Bill. It's better if you just try to remember your past."

Bill stayed silent after Dipper's answer. Thought he was feeling a bit light headed and his vision was getting a bit blurry. He tried his best to stay upright and conscious because he felt like he was gonna blackout.

"Okay one more name and your good to go Bill." Ford says.

The blond nods and taps his finger on the table.


Bill stilled and his eyes blurred more, his head not feeling to well. "D-Dom-inic..." He saw a smiling image of a brunet, but his eyes were covered by a shadow.

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