Step 8: Disappoint Your Family

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I didn't get very far into the book----only to page 28----before I succumbed to my ever-present exhaustion. When I wake up, their is a dark figure looming over me. My eyes struggle to come into focus in the darkness which had overtaken the room.

"Piper! Why are you home and not at your job?" The voice sounds strange, but familiar all the same. "Piper! Wake up!"

Two hands were placed on my shoulders and were shaking me very roughly. I open my eyes and see my dad. "Piper! What are you doing home from work? I thought you had work today."

Oh God. I don't want to tell him, but I'm not going to lie to him. I can't be weak just because I don't like the truth. Unfortunately, I'm still not strong enough to look him in the eyes. "I was fired, Dad. I'm sorry."

"What?! What happened? What did you do?"

Alright. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. "Somebody said that I was being lazy and missing work, but I come in early and clean extra all the time for everyone else, so I don't know what happened. It was an obvious lie."

"You are lying to me, Piper. I know you were late for work because I saw you in that young man's car!"

I didn't know whether I should be happy that my dad hasn't been ignoring me, or if I should be mad that he didn't do anything, so I ignore the statement. "Dad, I'm working on finding another job."

"Well, you should've thought about that before you slacked off and missed work! Now that your record has that you were fired, no one will ever hire you! You screwed it all up, and you have no one to blame but yourself."

My throat begins to sting and I know tears are trying to push through, so I do my best to not think about it. This is my fault. This is what happens when I screw up. Just because other people have room for error doesn't mean I do.

My dad, obviously disappointed, rubs the bridge of his nose. "Piper, I think you should get out of the house for a bit."

My breath hitches. "How long?" The words are nearly coated in tears. Now, more than before, I need to stop crying. I can't keep pulling this garbage. I'm about to be forced into the public eye.

"I don't know. Just go."

I obediently walk out of the house, having left the book on the couch. Unfortunately, a tear slips out just as I shut the door. Why do I have to be such a Goddamn disappointment all the fucking time?

God, I'm so weak. I'm so sensitive. I'm such a baby. What's wrong with me? Why can't I just grow up? Why can't I act my age?

I force the crying to stop, not wanting to be petty about such a minuscule thing. Crying doesn't help anything. It just means that you're pushing off dealing with something.

My phone buzzes in my pocket.

I'll text you when you can come back home.

Yeah. I'm sure he will.

How To Ruin Your LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora