Step 6: Time Everything Poorly

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When we get to Nikolai's house, he asks, "Where do you live? I can drive you home."

"I'm walking home. Thanks, though."

He stares in shock. "You just thanked me."

"Uh, yeah. What about it?"

"You are a nice person on the inside! You are just covering it up! I knew that you were a nice person from the start!"

No, you didn't, and you obviously still don't. "Yeah, okay. Good night."

"No, wait! I'm going to drive you home!"

"Just go home! I can walk myself home; I have legs."

"Well, ladies shouldn't have to walk home alone in the dark."

"Yeah, okay. And you think you're going to save me? You, the one who was nervously asking around the forest this morning after hearing a 'scary noise'? I think I've got this under control. Just go home."

"Nope, it's too late." He pulls his keys put of his pocket, slips into his car, and starts it up. I start walking away. Dear Lord, he's relentless. "Come on, Piper. Please?"

Ignoring him, I keep walking. Emotions seem to really have taken their toll on my body and I have trouble walking fast. Nikolai pulls up beside me in his car as my eyes begin to droop worse than usual. I throw a tired glare at him.

He looks like he's actually worried about me, which is fucking stupid. He has no reason to worry about me. I'm fine.

"Fine." As his face curves into a smile, I open the door and sit in his car. Before anything else can happen, sleep takes over.

I wake up to a bright sky, sunlight burning my eye sockets. Where the hell am I? I look around and realize that I am still in Assholovich's car. Shit. Even worse is the fact that he's still in here, sleeping at the driver's seat. We're back at his house, parked in his driveway.

I begin to have a panic attack. I should be at school! If I'm not at school, they'll call Dad and he'll worry! My breathing gets shallow and I feel myself on the verge of tears.

Oh wait, it's Saturday. Whew. Thinking through my schedule, I realize that I should be at work! I can't be late; I'll get fired! Shit!

I get out of the car and check my phone to see how late it was. Shit! My boss called! I listen to the voicemail.

"Piper, don't bother coming in to work today. I've caught word of your constant slacking. You're fired."

Slacking? I picked up everyone else's slack! What the hell was she talking about? Who the hell lied to her?

"Hey, what's wrong?" Assholovich touches my shoulder, causing me to pull away.

Completely devastated, I motionlessly face him. "You're bad luck."

"What? How? What happened?"

"Nothing good has happened to me since you've showed up. Audrey is out to fucking ruin my life, I didn't make it home last night, and I just got fired."

Everything stops for a moment. I've finally said something that will shut him up. I keep waiting for him to say something stupid, but instead, he throws himself around me.

"God, get off me! I don't want you to fucking hug me, asshole! I just got fired!"

"Well, at least you've always got me, right?"

I pry him off of me. He can't be serious, can he?

No trace of any joke is found on his face. What an idiot.

"No. Audrey's always got you. Go to her. She actually wants your friendship."

"Maybe so, but you need my friendship."

I can't believe him. "I don't need anything, especially not friendship, and especially not your friendship."

Turning on my heel, I walk down the sidewalk.

He shows up beside me, and I walk faster. He once again matches my pace. "This only proves that you need friendship. You do have feelings. You do care. You are a kind person. You pretend like you're an asshole, but that's just a façade."

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you say. I've agreed. Will you leave me alone now?"

He stops and just lets me walk on. What the fuck is he doing? Who cares? He's leaving me alone. But still, this must be the first time he's given up.

An unwelcome, unwanted, and uncalled-for feeling of guilt. Why do I feel guilty? I told him to leave me the fuck alone and he finally did. I should be happy.

After a few more minutes of intense internal conflict, I turn around. I have to go apologize. I can't believe that I'm doing this.

I approach his door, feeling like a shitbag. My hand knocks the door, half against my will. When it opens, Audrey is standing next to him, smirking. I turn around.

"Piper, wait."

No. Not this time. I'm not falling for your friendshit. You can have it. I hate people and this is why. I walk off, angry and hurt. Friendship makes me weak. That's why I avoided it. Why did I try this time?

God, I'm stupid.

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