Step 5: Push Away Those Who Try To Help

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"Piper! There's someone up here asking for you!" Who the fuck wants to see me?


"Piper, he said he won't leave until he sees you and you talk to him." God, I hate these damned customers.

I walk out from the back where I was busy making pizzas. I just want to get this over with. I turn the corner and see Assholovich, which is the exact opposite of what I need right now. I immediately do a 180° turn and head back.

"Piper! Wait!"

"I'm good, thanks though," I reply, not stopping.

"Fine. Then I'll just stay here until you talk to me."

This gets me to flip around. "The deal was that you saw me. I'm pretty damn sure you can see me. Now leave me alone and let me do my job!"

Everyone is staring at me, surprised. That was a lot more harsh than it should've been, and I kind of feel bad. At least there were no other customers in the store.

The rest of the work shift passes by fairly quickly. I walk out of the store after everyone else has left because I always do the clean up. I can't get my mind off of Grey. It's like this love disease shit is worse because he doesn't like me, which is stupid.

I walk outside to lock up the shop and realize that I'm crying. "Shit." I wipe the stupid water shit off of my face. This is nothing to cry about. I need to stop being so stupid.

"Piper, are you okay?" I feel a hand on my shoulder. Assholovich. Did he really stay here that whole time?

"Why are you still here?" I rub my eyes with my hands to make it look like I just had something in my eye.

"I stayed here. You didn't seem like you were okay, and I wanted to make sure you weren't sad."

"That's none of your business, whether or not I'm sad. I'm not a baby." Even though I'm crying like one.

He pulls me into a hug, and I try to break free, but he's stronger than I am, so I eventually surrender. My eyes refill with tears despite my best efforts. Why does this hurt so much?

"What's wrong?" He begins to rub my back, but not in a gross, perverted way. It was meant to be calming.

"It's none of your business!" I begin to bawl into his shirt. God, I hate love! Why does this even exist? Never again. This can't happen again. Never again. I will never fall in love. Or, I guess I mean I will never follow through with this love shit.

Eventually, Assholovich lets go. "Sorry for getting your shirt wet, or whatever."

He smiles, probably to mock me. "No worries. I've got the whole walk home to dry off. Do you want to walk home with me?"

"I don't really have a choice, since our houses are in the same direction," I chuckle.

As soon as I realize that I laughed, I stay quiet and hope that he doesn't notice. Thank God, he brushes it off and continues talking (there's the only time I'll be glad that he talked).

"So, what exactly happened between you and Audrey?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I mumble so that I doubt he will hear. "If you care, you should ask her. I'm sure she'd be glad to tell you."

"She already told me, but I don't think that's what happened. Lots of things didn't make sense. I figured that if anyone were to know what happened and why."

"Why do you care so much about what happened? It's not even your business to know!" Who does he think he is?

Everything is silent once again. "Sorry." His voice sounds so calm.

"Me too. But this doesn't mean I'm going to tell you."

"That's okay."

The rest of the walk is silent, but not the uncomfortable silences that have existed up to this point. No, this was a calming silence.

But, there's always a calm before the storm.

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