<Chapter 16>

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'I stood up to Elizabeth!'

"C'mon,let's go home." Rod said breaking our hug. "Thank you for coming out!" Cole said before dropping the microphone like he just finished rapping. We walked behind the curtain and to the car.

"Oh,um Allie,I got an apartment so if you want to come over you can." Cole said as he opened the car door. I gave him a smile,"okay,just let me talk yo Ethan first." I said and got in. "Hey,Ethan?" I asked. "Yea?"
"Is it right if I go with Cole tonight?"
"Sure," he said buckling up. I nodded and buckled myself before Cole got in. "So where u stayin' Allie?" Cole asked as he started the car. "At yours." I answered. He nodded and we drove off.


We dropped of Ethan about 30 minutes ago and we sat the couch listening to music on the radio. Cole has a normal hotel room,you might have expected a penthouse but nah,its like any other hotel room. It had a mini kitchen, a couch and two beds,plus a closet and bathroom.

"So,Allie." He started. "You never answered my question..." He said. 'Question? I dont remember him asking me anything.' He moved closer to me,a light shade of pink came across my face. "Do you evan remember what I asked?" He said smirking as if he knew I didn't. I stared at him as he stared at me. "Let me refresh your memory." He said. Cole held me by my waist with one hand while the other intertwined with mine and be was only inches from my face. My face went from link to red. "Will you be my girlfriend Allison?" He asked starring into my eyes. I stared into his pretty blue night eyes and slowly nodded yes,as I got lost in his gaze. He smiled and passonatly kissed me. I kissed back,of course. "So now we're together,so Ethan and anyone else can lay off since your mine!" He said pulling away. I chuckled. "Relax,no ones gonna take me away." I played. "Still." He smirked. "So is this gonna be a thing now?" I asked. "What is?" He asked. "You being so protective." He nodded. "So you'll have to get used to it~" he purred before moving me closer. "I can handle myself!" I huffed. "So if Elizabeth came to beat you up and I wasn't there?" He asked. "I'd fight the little brat and win!" I said fist pumping in the air. "But your like a child." He said. "I can be a stwong twild!" I said childishly.
"Oh really?"
"So what if I were to tickle you?" He asked raising his hands.
"You wouldn't." I squinted at him. He began tickling me and I laughed like crazy,making him smile ear to ear. "S-Stop!!" I laughed. "No!" "P-pleas-se!" I pleaded between laughs. He kept tickling me until I finally had the strength to pull away,causing me to fall off the couch. "You okay?" He chuckled. I laughed at what happened. "Yea. I'm alright."

"Good,c'mon back up." He said holding out his hand. I accepted and he put me to his lap and cuddled me. "I've wanted to hold you for a long time." He said putting his head on top of mine. "How come you have't? I would've been alright with it....Ethan holds me all the time." I said mumbling the last part. "Because I didn't want it to come off weird." He said. "And Ethan's held you?" "Oh,and ya he has...." I said relaxing in his arms. His grip got tighter. "Mine." He said to no one in particular. "Relax,I'm not leaving for anyone else." I said smiling and messing with his hair. He smiled and pecked my cheek. "I love you." He said. "I wuv you too." I said a sounding like a child.


some hours went by we ordered pizza and watch a movie. Of course Cole wanted a scary one,I agreed with his desision and we watched Annabelle.(A/n I have never seen Annabelle so I just gonna put stuff that would be in a normal horror movie). I jumped on the jumpscares and grippend on Cole's sleeve,burrying my face on some bloody sence. "Its fake." Cole chuckled as he petted my head. "I know but its so realistic." I said quietly. He wrapped his arm around me and held me. "Your a scardy cat~" he said messing up my hair. "Mew." I meowed at him. He chuchkled and gave me a little kiss,then patted my head again. He continued to hold me so I just cuddled up beside him.

A/n sorry this was short...I had a long day and I couldn't get any time,next chapter will be long (probably). So that was ch 16,hope ya enjoyed! See ya at ch 17!

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