<Chapter 8>

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(Play vid while you read plz)
I laid on my bed and was on my computer, listening to nightcore.

'Up on the hill across the blue lake...that's where I had my first heart break...i still remember how it all changed." I sang a little to the song. I stopped when there was a knock on my door. I got up and opened it, showing Ethan. "Hey." He greeted. "Hey." I said opening the door and letting him walk in. "I heard you singing. You have a really beautiful voice." He said. "Thanks..." I said jumping on the bed.

"I feel like a five year old in this shirt." I stated looking down at my oversized T-shirt that I wore as PJ's and of course I have shorts on. "You look cute in it." He smirked. "Thanks..." I said looking at him. "So, five year old hu?" He teased. "IM A FIVE YEAR OLD!" I joked in a childish voice. "Then come to daddy!" He played along and put me on his lap as he sat on the bed. "Roar!" I semi-screamed. "Roar!" He said laughing. I giggled at our silliness. "Its funny how were teenagers acting like four year old." I said giggling. "Your my four your old!" He stated and cuddled me.

"Your squishing me!" I played around. "Am I?" He smirked and cuddled me tighter. He loosed up when there was a tap on my window. He let me go so I could see what it was and there stood Cole outside my window in the rain. I ran to the front door and to the side of the house. "Cole what are you doing?! Your going to get sick! Get inside right now Smith!" I demanded and pushed him inside. "Alli I....What are you still doing here?" Cole asked crossing his arms as Ethan walked in the living room. "I'm staying with my flower." Ethan answered.

"Here." I said handing him a towel. "Thanks." he said taking it. "Now what are you doing here 12 at night and outside when its raining cats and dogs?" I asked drying my hair. "I need to talk to you." Cole said wrapping the towel around his neck. "There's noting to talk about." I said. "Yes there is and you know there is." He said firmly. I put the towel around my neck. "Let me change into a different shirt." I said and walked to my room with Ethan following. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Going to your room..." He said pointing to my room. "I'm gonna change." I said. "I know. That why I'm going to your room." He stated smiling inoccently. "I don't think so Mr.Perv." I said closing the door and locking it so Ethan won't come in.

I opened the door and walked to the living room trying to dry off my hair more. "Alright, I'm...acho!" I sneezed. "Aww,you sneeze like a kitten!" Ethan said. I gave him a watch-it-mister look. "OK,I'm listening." I said. Cole looked at Ethan. "What?" He questioned. "Can I talk to Alli,alone?" Cole asked. Ethan nodded and left.

"What do you want,acho!" I sneezed again but looked at Cole dead in the eye afterwords. "I'm sorry Alli,I didn't mean to say that." He apologized. "Say what? I don't remember,acho...you saying anything." I said a bit stubborn. "You know." He said. "Actually I don't." I said before I sneezed again.

"I'm sorry for calling you a low life!" He finally said. "I didn't mean to say it,I honestly didn't. I don't know what came over me but your NOT a low life." He finished. "Then what am I?" I asked in a stubborn tone, trying not to sneeze. "Your a pretty girl with a beautiful voice and your really smart,funny, and have a wonderful personality and, I...." He started hesitating.

"I like you Allison."

A/n sorry its short...my WiFi isn't working and I'm being dragged everywere. Next chapter will be longer for sure but thats chapter 8, see ya at chapter 9! P.s. you can stop the video or you can continue to listen to it for three hours~★

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