Chapter 35 (Someone's at the door)

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     "You ruined our family years ago!" he fired back harshly.

There was a small silence. Patrick bit his lips and raked a hand through his hair. "Lilith...I'm sick. I haven't much time left here. I just want my family back. I want the little-"

      "Just stop it!' her irritated voice came. "You're willing to stoop that low, bringing sickness into this so I can feel... What!" she spat. "Sympathy?"

      "Lying never suited well on you Patrick, so cut the crap. I will not come down there so you can fill my head with sob stories and pleas of unity," she exclaimed.

      "Lilith, I'm telling you the tru-" he began.

      "Goodbye Patrick. I'll be here when you finally grow some balls and realize what a horrible thing you have done by going against me," she blared.

        "Lili-" he stopped, realizing that she disconnected the call.

Patrick sighed, gritting his teeth to anchor the wave of emotions that was about to sink him.

He placed both elbows on his knees, while using his palms to cup his face. Sniffing, he used his hand to wipe the tears from his face.


      "Oh my God man, I'm so sorry," Jason exclaimed, clasping his hand over his mouth to hide his shock.

        "Yeah," Matthew said, chopping the vegetables. He had finally developed the courage to inform his friend about his current situations and Matthew had to admit, it felt good to finally have the load off his chest.

       "How's Kaylyn holding up?" Jason asked with his mouth still agape with shock.

      "She's doing pretty good considering what she has gone through man. She's a strong woman," he exclaimed while managing a faint smile.

Jason nodded, carefully scrutinizing his friend. He then bit his lips, pondering on what he was just told. He had never thought things were so complicated with them, but now 'complicated' was proving to be a big understatement.

Jason raked his hand across his face when he thought of how he would further complicate matters by wanting to pursue Kaylyn. It was clear to him that they had their own troubles to mop out, as it was.

       "I'm sorry man," he sighed.

        "Yeah, its cool."

      "No, that's not what I mean. I'm sorry that I liked your lady," he confessed, knowing that it was probably a stupid thing to do, but he felt like it was the right thing as well.

       "What?" Matthew asked, confused.

Jason scratched his head. "I didn't think you would be the type to settle down. I thought Kaylyn was just a complication for you, so I - I wanted her for myself, so to speak," he swallowed hard, watching the hardened expression on his friend's face.

       "Wanted her for yourself?" Matthew spat. "Do you know how f*cking sick that sounds? You're my best friend for Christ's sake!" he snarled.

Jason huffed out a breath. "I liked her. I didn't think you did. I'm sorry."

Matthew snorted in disbelief. "What happened to fraternization in the workplace? Why are you even telling me this?" he asked now, brows shot up questioningly.

Jason cleared his throat. "I just wanted to ease my conscience, especially after what you just told me."

Matthew glared at him for a moment, thinking of how fucked up everything was. Instead of feeling a strong sense of dislike for his friend, Matthew sighed.

      "Just go set the damn table, will you," Matthew exclaimed, shaking his head.

      "Wh- so you're not mad?" Jason asked, flabbergasted by his reaction.

      "Of course I am but I already have a shitload of things going on for me. I'll just pretend like you didn't say what you did; just don't look at or talk to Kaylyn for too long and we'll be fine," he warned.

Jason's brows shot up. "Really? Wow, love must've really changed you...for the better," he grinned, watching the clueless expression on Matthew's face.

Jason's grin loosened into a smile as he walked towards Matthew and patted him on the shoulder.

      "You'll understand in due time."


Dinner was served an hour later with Kaylyn seated beside Sapphire, and Jason and Matthew at the opposite end. There was silence, Matthew and Kaylyn still awkward after the kiss, and Jason awkward after Matthew's threat. Sapphire however, was oblivious of what was going on and so she ate, not mindful of the tension that floated in the room.

       "So Kaylyn, have you been thinking of any names for the baby?" Jason asked, after clearing his throat.

Kaylyn paused, sparing a glance at Matthew before she spoke. "Er-not rea-".

       "How about Elsa? She's my favourite princess," Sapphire cut in with a twinkle in her eyes.

      "What if it's a boy?" Matthew asked with a smile.

Sapphire tapped her chin with the fork, in deep thought.

      "Jack!" she beamed and everyone laughed.

Matthew was about to speak when the doorbell rang. Excusing himself from the table, he got up and moved towards the door, wondering who it could be.

He sighed before opening the door, irritated by the interruption. His eyes widened when two elderly persons presented themselves, a smile etched on both their faces.


Hey guys!!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Who do you think is at the door? The first five persons to guess correctly will receive a shout out in the next chapter! :p
It's not a hard guess so don't think too hard ;). Go ahead and comment your thoughts :)

Well, until next update...
Laters baby!

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