Ch. 26 Special Occasions

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For rennieveiga who was almost close to completely right about what will happen XD I just love it when people try to predict what happens.


Chapter 26

                They didn’t deserve it. No one deserves it. Especially since he was left alone. My heart has been torn over many times but this one was by farthest the worst along when I thought he died. So what happened? I couldn’t bear to think of the situation and horror over both of our faces. Our eyes avoided each other but instantly knew that were somehow mentally speaking through each other. So, the only thing that was to worry about is what would happen to him.

                “Hey, what happened? Who called?” Nathan’s voice broke the silence. Anyone believe in serial killers? Well, who knew the slaughters were right about it. It may not have been here but it still marked a good place. Tragedy seemed to follow me wherever I walked. Why? What did I deserve to live a life involving so much criminal activity? The two of us, now the three of us still stood in front of the phone. Demon clenched it tightly and continued to listen as I planted my ear close.

                “I’ll call her,” Demon whispered.

                “Don’t wake her up if she’s asleep,” Jasper cautioned.

                “Yea, I won’t. Bye, Dad, I might just come back home,” Damon responded.

                “No, she’ll hate that. Stay there with Lexis until the show ends,” Jasper warned. To hell with staying here. How could anyone say to stay here, acting like sitting ducks while things are happening back there. How could have this happened? Why? What was the point of them to do something like that? Why leave him alone? I know what it’s like to be alone and it tore down who you were. Damon must have been thinking the same thing. He shut the phone and faced me with dead eyes.

                “You got that all?” He asked and I gave a small nod.

                “Call her up. You’re right, we should leave,” I agreed. Nathan continued to remain in the dark of the situation. I’d rather not word it out. If I did, it would make it seem more real. I didn’t want it to be real that this was actually happening.

                “What are you talking about?” Nathan asked utterly confused and we continued to ignore. A sorrowful expression showed through my expression and Damon already broke down emotionally by giving a complete dead expression. I took a step forward and gave him a deserved hug.

                “What’s the occasion?” Nathan dryly asked.

                “A mass murder Nathan,” I snapped accidently with sharp cold eyes. I didn’t mean to sound harsh, it just came out that way. The silence continued to display over us. The air was heavy and hard to take in. I wasn’t too sure if Nathan thought I was being sarcastic. I was dead on literately serious. There had been a mass murder. No one had dared to crowd over us, not even the slaughters barged in with demand to the situation. Those girls were weird, crazy, possibly homicidal but truly genius when it came around to getting into others head and knowing the situation. I had a feeling, they just let themselves act out in that way, not because they were truly psychotic –and they were but because they were bored.

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