Ch. 23 Wilderness + Player = ERROR

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Chapter 23

The three of us gazed up into the dark sky with only the moon as a form of light. The leaves rustled in the wind and howled loudly. Demon flinched every time he heard the howling sound. His questions consisted of supernatural creatures being real, such as hungry werewolves. We sat on a fallen log as I felt the insides of me dying with every second we spend. We were good as dead... Demon was silently panicking too and Nathan, well Nathan didn’t look anywhere panicked but he wasn’t doing anything either.

“Do any of you know how to start fire?” I loosely ask.

“Oh yea,” Nathan stood up and dusted his clothes. He slips his hand into his back pocket and pulls out a lighter. I glance at the lighter with slight anger. He couldn’t have said something before? Where did he get that anyway?

“Where did you get that?” I ask.

“Damon, gather wood,” Nathan suggested. Demon dragged himself out of the log and glanced around the darkness, pulling out his cell-phone, once more attempting to gain connection but got nothing. He instead used it as a light. Nathan was avoiding my question.

“So where did you get it?” I repeat.

“Ryan gave it to me,” He explains.

“Why did he give it to you?” I suspiciously ask. Nathan created a noise at the back his throat and laughed. What was so funny? Demon grabbed a bunch of twigs and threw it on the ground in front of me.

“Ryan, gave it to him,” Demon amusingly repeats. I couldn’t’ believe this. I’m pretty sure Nathan is rich...

“You stole it?” I ask.

“In my defence, he told the world that I was single. Karen is going to kill me if she hears that,” Nathan states and lit up the wood with the little flame. The flame grew large and created smoke and rose to the air. It could be use for warmth or an SOS sign. Hopefully they found us before we ate each other alive. I gaze into the flames and allow myself to think of what we should do next. Both boys sat beside me again.

“Lexis...” Demon whispered into my ear.

“Yea?” I dryly ask.

“The fire is hot,” He speaks in horror.

“No, it’s cold,” I sarcastically respond. Both boys stare at me strangely. What kind of game were they playing? Then they both took out a finger and almost dared to put it inside the fire. I snapped both of their hands back. What on earth were they doing!?

“What are you doing!?” I angrily ask.

“You said it was cold. I wanted to see for myself. My electronic fire place was usually warm but artificial things aren’t as close to the real thing,” Demon explained. So, he didn’t know that a fire was hot? Neither Nathan... I was going to die out here. Can I least die alone, in peace?

“Of course it’s hot,” I snicker “Have you really not seen a real fire before?” They both nod their head no. How pathetic. Next thing you know, they’ll be telling me the grass is moving. The silence continued but I felt both of their stairs pour into me. I’m the only girl they can look like, it made sense because Demon was a player and Nathan was a former player. Somehow, we had to get out. We need a plan before I go screaming around the forest and take my chances to survive on my own.

“We should stay the night. It’s too dark to find our way back now,” I sadly suggested. I glanced at the boys and their eyes were really wide.Nathan seemed cold despite the fire being here but Demon seemed pretty cosy, considering I did make him wear layers. Demon’s wide eyes faded and a smile slipped on his face.

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