Ch. 6 Player's first love

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Chapter 6

Damon POV

Words were shared between him and her. I heard every single word. Every single thing Seth has that I didn’t. That’ll I’ll never have again because I gave up on it. I’ve felt it twice. The first, died and I miss her... I should stop thinking about these things. I lay on the uncomfortable couch of her apartment having to deal with her older sister glare at me with hatred or so much love that it looked like hatred. Could be either one. She was marrying Lucian; I’ll give them a month.

“You broke my sister’s heart?” The woman questioned. Straight to the question huh...? I ignored her and shut my eyes and bared the living room lights shining down on my eyelids.

“Damon... Did you...? Because if you did, you can count your ass being sued twenty five million,” She babbled. That’s loads of money to ask for. It takes me about five months to obtain that.

“You can’t sue someone because they broke a person’s heart...mentally,” I was pretty sure.

“No but I can sue you for sexual harassment,” She pressured me. This girl wasn’t the brightest of the bunch was she? How were they related? I just made a sound and ignored her once more.

“You love her don’t you?” She asked.

“No,” I answer.

“You do,” She smiled big. I didn’t have to open my eyes to tell.

“Once a upon a time I liked her but not...that,

“You know Seth and her have been best friends since they’re born. He is serious about loving Lexis. Seth is probably even going to marry her right after high school,” She explains. I felt a lightning strike me when I got the image in my head.

“Why are you telling me this bitch?” I snap and open my eyes.

“Ah, I see, you do care,” Daphne smiled manipulative. She was sitting on the couch across from me and staring like a creep.

“Care about what?” I ask.

“Even if you do love Lexis, she won’t fall for you, she never does fall for your type. So, it’s good that you give up because it’ll save you the time. Seth and her were always meant to be anyway,” Daphne raised her head and said proudly and certain. My teeth clenched together at the anger building up.

“Whatever,” I shrug it off.

“So, Damon, what kind of parties do you go to? You think you could get me into some? Could I possibly borrow twenty-five million?” Daphne asked.

“No,” I simply say.

“Parties, or borrow?”


“I’ll do whatever you want if you do,” She gave seducing smile.

“I thought you said you were getting married and you were in love?” I questioned her. She frowned and made a sound. Then she start provoking me some more to get what she wanted. If I let her in, I’d ruin my no prostitute reputation. I close my eyes and end up falling into a dream. Or a memory I never wanted to go back.

“Damon...!” She screamed out in laughter with her arms separated from her waist. Her mouth was wide open with shock but in happiness. I was laughing at her being all soaked and got off guard. Her black hair was wet and flat straight and lower then her chest. Her hazel eyes glimmered gold when the sunshine hit her eyes.

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