Ch. 10 Marry to a player? You've got to be kidding me!

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I styled my hair while drying it after a long nice hot shower. Today was the day I was going to look into my wedding dress. Honestly, I only wanted Damon to arrive but Lexis and Damon were a pack. I recently heard that Seth wouldn’t come. It was only too easy to change his mind about it. As soon as he woke up to leave to wherever he headed, I’ll nag him about Damon and Lexis getting too close. Seth knew it too. Lexis didn’t look at him the same way he did toward her. I only lied to Damon about him not standing a chance. Honestly, I never saw him as Lexis type but I just could tell there was something going on ever since they came back last night. A smile spread across my face looking at my gorgeous face and hair in the mirror.

I had Perfect hair, perfect nails, perfect toes, perfect skin, perfect smile, and perfect hot body. Everything was just Purrrrrrrr-fect. Lexis bedroom door opened.

“You do know that if you left Lexis with Damon, they’ll start to bond again,” I dryly say and blow my long French manicured nails. A nagging sigh came over Seth.

“Yea... Fine Daphne,” Seth tiredly mutters and heads into the kitchen and opens it up.

“Oh, I checked there. Nothing in the fridge unless you like cold pizza... You’ll-“I turn around and see Seth munching onto cold Pizza as if it was made by the world’s best chef. He also sends me a nasty stare. Lexis didn’t know this but I flirted with him a lot during the days Lexis was gone with Damon before England, oh and made out with him. Seth still hated me for it and he begun to realize that he loved my sister when I kissed him. He was so madly in love with her that he chose to ignore the fact that she was seeing him as someone else.

“Fine, don’t come to choosing my wedding dress,” I snicker and roll my eyes “The only reason you’re not coming is because of making out with me and you feel guilty of it.” Seth gave a deadly look at me “You forced it on me. I don’t kiss sluts.” He obviously didn’t want to talk to me. I had to create some kind of mess for him for Lexis to move on. Either, she starts seeing Seth for who he really is, go with Damon or stay alone.

“But you did. Haven’t you noticed that Lexis and Damon start acting nicer to each other since they came back afternoon yesterday?” I test and finish off my nails.

“No,” he responds.

“Oh, haven’t you hear him and her call each other nicknames?” I spark a smile.

“Psycho and Demon...? It’s an insult,” He scoffs and finishes off the pizza and heads for the door.

“No... Not really,” I shrug “I’m pretty sure it’s pet’s name. They’re getting closer, admit it. Damon is a player. He’ll plant her one on her. Haven’t you seen the media and pictures on them kissing off guard?” Seth suddenly froze not knowing anything about the media.

“What are you talking about?” He coldly asks. I sigh in annoyance and go and search for a laptop but end up finding Damon’s phone. I go thru the internet and type my sister and Damon’s name and there were pictures when they were at the beach, and more.

“Here,” I hand it to Seth. Seth pulls it out my hand and stares. He had an expressionless face.

“LEXI!” Seth yelled out so loudly it burst my ear drums. I push him over the shoulder roughly “What the-“The moment the words slipped in my mouth, he growled at me like a vicious animal. He then enters Lexis room. Then I suddenly remembered Damon was sleeping in the couch. I hope he wasn’t awake.


I try to wrap my arms around Seth but only to find an empty space. I start to crawl out of bed.

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