Ch. 13 Fearless

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Chapter 13

               Mission accomplished... We found Damon’s room and all I could do is watch him. Funny, that’s what I was supposed to do. I was supposed to watch over him and make sure he doesn’t date or make anymore of those mistakes. A pattern of heartbeats was behind me but his eyes were closed. I was just waiting for him to jump up and go ‘boo’ at me or ‘What has she done with my car!’ This time, it was silence. I don’t remember it being this silent. My back ached from sitting on the hospital chair, just staring at him for hours, afraid he’ll leave if I go away. Every day I come to this room, I’m afraid that I’ll find an empty bed and people tell me that they gave up on him and he died.

             I ran my fingers threw my hair finding a lot of tangles. I gave up on trying combing it with my hand. Seth would drop me off every day and pick me up. He had given up on staying long hours in the hospital just watching Damon. Well, I couldn’t stay hours of doing nothing. I drew on Damon’s face. I got bored with that so I brought a laptop and start hanging around the internet. Damon was on the news about being in a coma. All the blame was directed to a ‘drunk driver.’ There was no drunk driver that hit us. It was Daphne the air head. Damon’s parents visited to see how I and Damon were both doing. They didn’t put any blame to me. I would have.

             I close the lid of the laptop and rest it on a table near me. I gaze back into Damon and he hadn’t moved an inch. Sometimes, I thought I saw him flinch or blink. Having him gone made me notice how much I wanted him alive.

           “I’m sorry,” I mutter under my breath and stretch a frown.

            ‘You better be! My baby is ruined!’ Damon’s voice echoes in my head.

            “It wouldn’t have been as bad if you focused on the road,” I say.

             ‘That was your sister’s fault, psycho.’ – Damon insults. What am I doing? Am I going to go like Bella whose seeing and hearing Edward!? Oh no, please no... I’m not going to jump off a cliff for him. Psycho... It hurt just to hear his voice in my head. I lean my head onto the bed and watch him with sorrow. I couldn’t imagine my life as in Twilight. Situation wise, Damon would be Edward. Personality wise, Seth is one percent more than Damon for Edward’s role. Once, I had to choose between them. I choose Damon but he forced me to go with Seth. All the things he’s been saying, said that I chose Seth, but I never told him that. I always thought because it was too late to give my answer that he gave up on me. But...that wasn’t it, was it? Somebody must have told him that I said I’d go with Seth. Who...?

             “Hello Lexis,” A familiar British accent in a low voice speaks behind me.

             “...hi,” I quietly respond and raise my head. He takes steps closer toward me and Damon.

              “I’m sorry about what happened,” He awkwardly says. I pause. I could feel the large lump in my throat returning.

            “Yea... Me too,” I struggle to breath out. Silence filled the boxed room. Lucian took a look at Damon and brought up questions. I explained Damon’s state with vocabulary a doctor would be proud of. I’ve been around for so many days and hours that I heard every detail of Damon’s situation.

          “You haven’t seen Daphne yet,” he states. And I will not, until she’s burned alive. I didn’t want to tell him that. After all, they were getting married.

            “Yea... I’m not,” I dryly tell him “Enjoy your wedding and...May your children be cursed for having a mother as a witch.” The last part was whispered very quietly and carefully. Lucian’s forehead crumbled not hearing a thing I just said.

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