Chapter 15

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5 Months Later.....

It had been five months since Tymetria and De'montré got married. And so far the group is mutual that's besides De'Anté and Khaleigh having no communication at all. Ever since the incident happened when De'Anté slapped Khaleigh she just wanted him away. She could only take so much until she reached her breaking point.On the other hand Khamina is ready to pop literally now being 9 months. Caviana and De'Anté are still together and raising their daughter Illaria who is 9 months and full of life. De'Anté has tried to reach out to Khaleigh but to no success. Tré is still not talking to De'Anté after he found out he slapped his sister.

*Khaleigh POV*
"Vanté stop you making a mess" I looked at him. "You stop" he told me. I walked towards him and popped his hand which made him cry. "You don't tell me to stop do you understand me" I asked. Devanté looked at me with teary eyes while nodding his head yes. I hate to hit my baby I do but he needs to be disiplined at times like this. After breakfast I took Devanté to daycare and was on my way to the University. "Khaleigh look you got the lead role" Alycia said to me. I walked over to the bulletin board and saw my name as lead role for the The Bodyguard musical. "I was so nervous that I wouldn't get the part" I sighed. "Don't be ridiculous you deserve this part unlike others" Alycia said while shooting daggers at Caviana. I look over my shoulder at Caviana and laugh at myself. "Let's get to class before you do something stupid" I turn Alycia around. "I don't get how she act like she better. "Bitch you gotta steal a man get pregnant by them so they can stay with desperate ass". "Aye let's not talk about hoes but about my birthday this month. "How old you turning 30" Alycia laughs. I hit her arm and roll my eyes at her foolishness. "No I am not turning 30". "In the world of theatre one must inhabit it's nature. One must understand the importance of embracing the fundamentals" my professor explained. "As once said by Thornton Wilder; "I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what is it to be a human being" he continued with his lecture. Alycia was sleep on my shoulder. This girl always talk about how she going stay awoke but end up going to sleep.


After I was done with my classes I went to go pick up Devanté. Only to find out De'Anté took him again it took no time for me to go off on De'Anté.

"Where the fuck are you at with my son"

"Well hello to you too and we on our way to the house"

"De'Anté stop acting like a bitch ok you mad cause I ignored ya ass for 5 months"

"Whatever man here we come damn my son misses me ain nobody worried if you stop talking to me I don't lose no sleep ova a bitch"

"I don't give a fuck don't take my son without my permission and I'm the same bitch who held ya trifling ass down for 4 muthafucking years"

"Need I remind you without me Devanté wouldn't be here Khaleigh shut the fuck up I don't give a fuck what you talking about "

"Bring me my son De'Anté NOW"

"Mhm okay"

I was so fucking mad like I just can't catch a break with him. I already have so much going on with the move and now De'Anté bullshit. I drove straight home I didn't even know I was speeding until I got a speeding ticket. Just my fucking luck ugh. As I pulled up to my apartment I see De'Anté's car. When I saw De'Anté standing there I just lost it. I ran up to him and slapped the fuck outta him not even caring he was holding Devanté. "Bitch what was that for" De'Anté yelled at me. "I fucking hate you" I said. De'Anté put Vanté in his playpen. "Where did we go wrong De'Anté" I looked at him with a face full of tears. "Khaleigh please stop crying" De'Anté responds. "How can you be so calm and heartless" I hiccuped. "Listen I never meant to hurt you by any means necessary. We just grew apart and I want you to be able to understand that" De'Anté said. I scoffed at him and went to go get my baby. I sat on the couch rocking back and forth silently crying.

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