Chapter 7

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"Down Low"

*Tymetria POV*
I woke up with a figure wrapped around me. I just smiled at sleeping De'montré. I caressed his face to his chest. I could see him stir as he open his eyes. "I see I made somebody's morning" I smiled. "Yeah just waking up seeing you" he kissed my nose. "So what is our plan today" I asked. "Well we could just stay here and I'll sex you down" De'montré laughed. "Yea I'd think not" I stale faced him. I got out of bed and fixed breakfast.

*De'Anté POV*
"Khaleigh I'm about to beat yo ass if you don't give me my phone" I growled. "Is little De'Anté mad" she mocked. "When I catch you yo ass in mine" I said. "Ouu I'm so scared" she laughed. Khaleigh circled around the living room with my phone. I caught up with her up the stairs. "You thought I wasn't gon catch you" I grabbed Khaleigh by her waist. "No fair I'm vertically challenged" Khaleigh pouted. I put her on my shoulder and took her to our room. "Let me down" she pleads. "You thought" I respond. I let her down. "You quit playing" I asked. "No" she smiled. So I tickled her and her laughter filled the room like a puff of smoke. "Stop you cheating you know I'm ticklish" she said in between laughs. "Give me my phone and then I'll stop" I looked down at her. She shook her head no and hit me wit a pillow. I was momentary stunned as she ran out the room. I followed her footsteps down the stairs. Khaleigh was still laughing wit my phone in her hand. I playfully tackled her on the sofa. "Damn you came at me like a freight train" she answered. "You'll get ova it" i said. While I went inside her shirt and grabbed my phone. "Something called sexual harassment" she hit my arm. "Not if you enjoy my touch" I chuckled. As I reached in between her legs. She tense up at my touch near her throbbing clit. "See you crave for my touch" I seductively said. "S-stop playing and give me w-what I-I want" she moaned. I quickly turned us around where I was on top. I kissed her intensely. As I was about to wear her ass out Devanté started crying. "Saved by the bell" I quickly pecked her lips. "Yeah whatever" Khaleigh beamed. She went to the aid of a crying Devanté.

*Khamina POV*
I haven't talk to my mom since graduation. I grabbed my phone and dialed my mom number. On the second ring she answered.


"Hey mom"

"Oh Khamina I was just thinking about you"

"How are you"

"Still living"

"That's good"

"How is Khaleigh and my grandbaby"

"They good and speaking on grandbaby's"

"That's good and yeah what about"

"Well I'm pregnant"

"I'm going have another grandbaby"


"Aw you should have a girl"

"Yeah that's what Khaleigh said"

"We need to have a mother and daughter's day"

"Yeah we need one"

"Well imma give you a date"

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