Chapter 1

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"Because she is..."

What is love
Got to do wit it
Got to do wit it
Its about us
Its about us babe

*Narrative POV*
Khaleigh woke up at 7 thanks to her alarm. Khaleigh rolled out of bed and preceding her morning routine. She took a shower and did her hygiene. Khaleigh went inside her closet and found some light blue skinny jeans and my brown wedges. Then put on her white shirt with a pink blazer. She went to my bathroom to put her hair in a high bun and diamond stud earrings. She took her phone off the charger and headed downstairs. "Good morning mija" her mom Khallana smiles. "Good morning mom" Khaleigh stated. Everyone greeted each other. Khaleigh was eating a bagel. When De'Anté appeared at the door. He came in "wasp mama" he hugged and kisses her cheek. "You just in time I making my world famous breakfast burritos" Khallana cheered. After Khallana finished De'Anté fixed himself a breakfast burrito. "Hey big head he pushed Khaleigh head.

"Stop you gon mess up my bun and my head ain't big" Khaleigh hissed. "C'mon shortie so we can check on lil man" De'Anté dismissed himself. "You kids be safe" Khallana yelled from the door. De'Anté drove off the street onto the main rode. Khaleigh yawned and stretched. "You seem tired" De'Anté said. "Well since I was up on the phone wit yo ass". "I guess I didn't get much sleep" Khaleigh retorted. "You are not a morning person that's all always gotta blame the black nigga" De'Anté snarled. Khaleigh mushed his head. "You know I'm not going have you putting yo hands me like you lost yo damn mind" De'Anté spat. "What you gon do run and tell mommy and daddy" Khaleigh laughed. "No ima beat yo muthafucking ass" De'Anté responds. The rest of the ride was quiet as the radio played softly in the background.

*Skips to the Doctors Office*

"Good Morning Ms. Cantores" Dr. Washington firmly said. "Good morning doc this is De'Anté my babies father" Khaleigh introduce them to each other."Hello sir" De'Anté held this hand out. "Hey great for you to tag along" Dr. Washington stated as he shook De'Anté's hand. Khaleigh laid back to the bed. "How are you Ms. Cantores" Mr. Washington asked. "I feel good but your the confirmation of that". Khaleigh nervously spoke. "I'm sure everything is great" he smiled. Khaleigh lifted her shirt as Dr. Washington put the gel on her stomach. Khaleigh looked over at
De'Anté. Who was just staring at all the equipment in the room. "You okay" I asked lowly. De'Anté nodded "yeah it's just alot take in".

"Well you better get ready young man you'll be a father in less than 3 months" Doctor Washington chucked. De'Anté gave a faint smile. Khaleigh watched on the monitor as he guided the scope around her stomach. "Does everything look okay" Khaleigh asked nervously. Doctor Washington smiled "everything looks great Ms. Cantores your doing a great job. "All done your baby boy is healthy Dr. Washington expressed". He wiped my stomach down and help me sit up straight. "I'm gonna check your blood pressure" Dr. Washington stated. Khaleigh nodded and watched him walk out the room. Khaleigh turn to look at De'Anté. "I just can't believe a little mini me is inside you" De'Anté gasp. "Well its reality" Khaleigh smirked.

*15 Minutes later*

"Thanks for taking me Dee I really appreciate it" Khaleigh said as she was getting out. "No problem ma' I got you call me if you need anything" De'Anté responds. Khaleigh walked inside the house while De'Anté drove off. I went straight to the kitchen and to get my carton of Butter Pecan Ice cream. "How was it" my mom questions. "Nice I am healthy and so is the baby" Khaleigh responds.

*De'Anté POV*
Meanwhile De'montré, Xavier, my pops Alonzo and I went to play some ball. It was Alonzo and I vs De'montré and Xavier. "First team to reach 21" I passed the ball to De'montré. "So wasp wit you and Khaleigh". Xavier asked dribbling the ball. "I mean we cool she still mad that I left" I said hitting a 2 pointer. "I would be to you left and she pregnant" De'montré snatched the ball from me and hit a lay up. "Boy you in some deep shit" Alonzo stated as he catches De'montré rebound. "I know pops but imma help with the baby and be there  for her" I respond getting another 3 points. The score was 9 to 12. "Look De'Anté settling down" De'montré laughed. "Nigga shut the fuck up at least I am capable of doing so" De'Anté passed the ball to his dad who dunked. "Damn Dee got yo ass Tre" Xavier joked. "Shut the fuck up and pass the ball" De'montré frowned. Xavier passed the ball to De'montré who attempted a layup but misses. We won ima go see my baby mama" De'Anté said walking off. "So you gon leave in the middle of a game" De'montré asked. "Pretty much plus I already beat yo ass" De'Anté responds.

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