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KEVIN STOPPED AS soon as he saw locker number 103. He tried to catch his breath before mumbling the locker numbers he passed. "104... 105... 106... 107... And finally locker number-" Kevin was suddenly interrupted by a sound.

He swore he heard something speak.

The lad looked around, but it was too dark, "A blackout...? Ah, I'm not the luckiest student, huh?" Kevin mumbled to himself before smiling. "Good thing that I always bring my flashlight around." He said with a slight chuckle before getting said object out of his bag.

He turned the flashlight on since he can't see anything, but pitch black. Kevin turned to his locker and began to open it, but an eerie voice stopped him.

"Well, well, well," A voice said, presumably a man, resulting the lad to turn around quickly and look around. "Look who we have here!" The voice cackled like a hyena. His laugh echoed throughout the halls, enough to make Kevin shudder in fear.

"Wh- who are you?! SHOW YOURSELF!" cried Kevin, fear evident in his dark brown eyes. He couldn't locate where the voice emitted from and it made his heart beat quickly.

"Hm... Sounds like you forgot about me, champ!" The voice said, disappointed. "Wh- what do you mean I forgot?!" Kevin asked loudly and a huff was what he heard first before the voice spoke.

"I'm your grandfather, duh!"

"Grand... Father?" Kevin trailed off before shaking his head. "NO! You're lying, my grandfather is dead!" he yelled shakily.

"Hmph, don't raise your tone at me!" The voice said in a booming voice. Kevin saw a bright light before a man wearing a trench coat and a fedora, causing him to shield his eyes.

An old man came to his sight. "Taa- daa!" The old man said as he grinned goofily at Kevin.

Kevin was shocked and confused. He was Kevin's grandfather? No, he can't be! His mother told him that his grandfather is a serene old man. He might be a fraud.

"FRAUD?! I am very offended, young man!" The old man said as he crossed his arms. "Wha- But, how did you...?" Kevin trailed off in shock. "Magic, my boy. Magic."

The old man chuckled before looking at Kevin with a serious face. "Look, my boy. It's near... It's just asleep, you need to get ready." He said as he stared at the lad's amulet. "What do you mean "it's near"? I... I don't understand..." Kevin mumbled.

The old man looked straight at Kevin's eyes. It was as if he staring right through his soul. He suddenly smiled and patted Kevin's head. "You don't have to know what, just get ready and don't worry," He said and striked a superman pose. "Your cool grandpa is always by your side!"

"By the way, it's not magic. You just spoke what you thought, LOL."

Kevin reached out for the man. "Wait-!" He merely touched his fingertips and with that, everything disappeared immediately and he found himself being shaked by Kenneth. "KEV, DUDE! Are you okay?!" Kenneth practically screamed at Kevin which made him flinch.

"I- I'm okay!" Kevin squeaked out, a bit dizzy becaude of Kenneth shaking him. "KEVIN, are you okay?! You suddenly blacked out for three minutes straight. Is something wrong- YOU GOT ME WORRIED YOU KNOW?!" Kenneth wailed, pouting at the brunet.

"I- I said I'm okay, so stop screaming at me." Kevin said which made Kenneth to let go of him and apologize quickly.

The brunet patted Kenneth's shoulder to indicate that it's okay. He looked at his schedule and sighed. "I have Mathematics as my first period..." Kevin said with a frown.

"Bummer... But, OH MY GOD! We're in the same class!" Kenneth said excitedly with a wide grin before helping him up. "Let's go!"

Kenneth practically dragged the poor brunet, but suddenly, he stopped when he saw a room about Egyptian Mythology.

"Kenneth...? Is something wrong?" Kevin asked as he looked at his friend worriedly. "Nothing." He responded quicky, resulting the shorter brunet to look at the direction he was staring at.

Kevin saw a board filled with Egyptian words and hymns. He saw Kenneth glance at his amulet and mumble something he can't decipher. Kenneth began to drag him towards the door that lead to his first period with his trademark smile.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2016 ⏰

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