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KEVIN STOPPED INFRONT of the Principal's office. He took a deep breath and stared at the door with a determined face before knocking.

"You may enter." A slightly grumpy voice answered, resulting the young male to shiver in fear and open the door, entering the office. "G- good morning, sir..."

The old man looked up from his glasses and smiled at the boy. "Ah, you're Kevin Laugthoas, I suppose?" He asked as he looked at the brunet. The lad nodded resulting the man to smile warmly. "Do take a seat, Mr. Laugthoas."

Kevin quietly took a seat and fiddled with his fingers nervously, but the Principal ignored it.

"Here's the schedule of your classes and your locker number is 108. Do come back if you need something, you are always welcomed here." The man said with a smile and the lad returned the smile awkwardly. "You may take your leave." He said gently before going back to his papers.

Kevin nodded and mumbled a goodbye before leaving the office. He searched for locker number 108, but suddenly, he bumped into someone. "Oh, shi- I am so sorry!" The boy apologized and grabbed the male's paper that fell on the floor.

The boy stood at five feet and six inches wore a dark gray hoodie. It was difficult to look at his face, but he had dark brown hair.

The lad found the boy staring at his amulet. A bit creeped out when the other male smiled widely, Kevin took a step back.

"So, it's YOU!"

Kevin flinched when the male yelled, causing him to stammer. "U- um... E- excuse me, but what do you mean it's me?" He asked and tried his hardest not to sound nervous, but failed. He had no clue what the other male was saying. Was it about his amulet? By the looks of it, it is about his amulet.

The amulet was a gift from Kevin's grandparents before his father passed away.

They said that this amulet was very unique and expensive. Kevin has been always curious about where they got it and he even thought that they stole it from someone.

The tall lad noticed that the brunet was a tad bit uncomfortable. No, scratch that. The brunet was REALLY uncomfortable.

"Ah, am I making you' uncomfortable? Ahah, sorry about that... I just got a bit excited." The boy chuckled as he rubbed his neck with a sheepish smile.

"I'm Kenneth and I suppose you're new here right?"
Kevin nodded and smiled, but it looked a tad bit nervous. "Yes, I am new here. My name's Kevin, nice to meet you Kenneth." He said softly before glancing at his watch.

Kevin was supposed to go to his first class and he didn't want to be late. "I'm really sorry, but I'm supposed to go to my first class right now, but I have to find my locker first." He said with an apologetic smile.

"Ah, do you need a Lil' help, Kev?" Kenneth piped up with his bright smile. Kevin nodded slowly and scratched his head, ignoring the fact that the male already made a nickname for him.

"Mhm," Kevin nodded and added. "I don't know where to go because this school is so huge and uhmm, do you know where locker number 108 is?" He asked and ignored the fact that Kenneth was stealing glances at his amulet.

"Huh? Wait, locker number 108? It's pass through a half of a few hallways near the canteen."

The brunette smiled at Kenneth thankfully and looked at his watch. "Oh no, I still got five minutes before the bell rings! Thanks for telling me, Kenneth. See you later!" He yelled as he ran down the hallways.

He heard the other male yell to be careful about something which made him to slow down and look back.

"There is a what?!" He yelled back, but he noticed that he was gone. Kevin shook his head and glanced at his watch. "Okay, I still have four minutes left. I got this." He said to himself and decided to jog towards his locker to save more energy. 'I wonder what he said about being careful...'


(( SHORT AUTHORS NOTE: HUZZAH! Chapter two is finally done! Jeez, being a writer seems to be difficult... OH and we would also love to hear your opinions, advices, and constructive criticism about this, thanks! ))

Two Worldsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن