CHAPTER ONE: Policeman

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IT WAS AN early, sunny Monday at North Carolina. The birds chirping could be heard and the laughter of the children playing outside. The alarm of a certain brunet's phone woke the lad up. Ah, the familiar tintinnabulation of the bells... How ANNOYING.

The young boy groaned and turned off his alarm before sitting up and sighing. "Monday... First day of school, huh? Well, I gotta get ready." He said to himself and stood up, stretching.

The brunet ruffled his messy hair, then heard his mother's voice. "Kevin, dear, are you awake?! Breakfast is ready!" She called and in an instant,

Kevin's eyes brightened up before running down the stairs excitedly.

The smell of the delicious soup his mother made at the table made his mouth water slightly. He quickly sat down and smiled brightly at the woman. "Thanks, mom!" He chirped resulting the brunette woman to chuckle and ruffle his hair. "You're welcome dear." As soon as those words left her lips, Kevin began to eat.

After eating his breakfast, he went to the bathroom to take a bath knowing that if he didn't take a bath, he'll receive a bad impression.

He finished taking a bath after a few minutes or so. The lad went upstairs to change into his clothes, but...

Kevin stared at his clothes on his closet. They were too large, he noticed.

"Oh, well," he shrugged and picked the clothes that would look good on him. He heard the honking of the bus making him change into his clothes hurriedly.

The male didn't have time to wear his socks AND to fix his hair. He quickly slipped on his old, slightly tattered shoes, knowing that it would be a waste of time if he searched around for his new ones.
"Dear, hurry up! Time doesn't wait for anyone!" He heard his mother call making him to trudge down the stairs.

"You keep telling me that everyday mom and I gotta go! Bye!" He replied before slinging his bag on his shoulder, quickly pecking her cheek.

Kevin opened the door and rushed towards the bus. "Have a nice day, dear!" His mother called, the young lad nodding in reply.

He went inside the bus and no-one bothered to look at him, which he was thankful.

Kevin took a seat near the window, resting his bag on his lap. The male looked around for his friends, but when he found none, his attention went outside the window.

The bus passed a few houses and after an hour or so, the bus stopped and the door of the vehicle opened and the students left the bus rather noisily and obnoxiously. Kevin, on the other hand, left more quietly and calmly despite the nervousness he felt.

He accidentally bumped into someone resulting him to squeak and look up. A tall man appeared at the young lad's eyesight resulting him to gulp in fear. A pair of sharp, sapphire eyes glaring down icily at the brunette's brown ones. He noticed the police hat the man was wearing making him to shrink in fear.

"Watch where you're going kid," The policeman said in a rather cold way before pausing and eyeing the amulet Kevin had. He rose his eyebrows in amusement. "Quite a nice jewelry you got there." The man complimented with a slight smile, but something was wrong with it. Kevin returned the smile nervously. "A- ah... Thank you, sir..." He said quietly and blinked in surprise when the policeman chuckled.

"Don't be afraid of silly old me. You should be afraid of what you'll see later on... Without further ado, you may pass." He said and stepped aside, gesturing him to enter. Kevin looked at the man dubiously before entering the school.

He took a few steps before looking back and finding out that the policeman wasn't there which made the hair on his skin stand up, fear gripping his veins. Kevin shook his head before walking quickly to the Principal's office.


(( SHORT AUTHORS NOTE: This is the first story Partelven and I wrote also English isn't our first language, so we're sorry about any grammar or spelling mistakes! I would also love to hear your opinions, advices, and constructive criticism about this! Thanks! ))

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