Chapter Nine <3 Gale

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I trudge through the snow, my hand locked in Peeta's. I've told him of the uprising in 8. I rest my gloved hand on my belly and he smiles at me. I'm meeting Gale at the lake today, it's the first time we'll see each other since I got back. I've missed Gale, my only friend. I mean, unless you count Cinna, or Haymitch - which I don't. I can hear Mockingjays whistling in the trees and Peeta hums to himself, the Mockingjays replicating his tune.

It's a hike to the lake, and I find myself being held up only by Peeta's strong grip on my. I've been exhausted lately, with the pregnancy and all. three weeks pregnant now and my belly hasn't began showing yet.

The rest of Gales family showed up to the dinner at Mayor Undersee's house, but he didn't. I wonder if he's seen that we've become engaged. Oh shit! I hadn't told him I was pregnant in the first place, so he doesn't know I'm having Peeta's baby! Anywho, at the dinner, Hazelle told me he was at home sick. How many lies and excuses is he going to make?

After a few hours, we reach the little, broken down house. I tell Peeta I'll be fine on my own from here. I've convinced him to let me see Gale on my own at first, so I can speak to him without him getting made. Who am I kidding though, he's going to get mad at me anyway. He nods and leaves the little cabin.

I grab he fire wood in the corner of the concrete structure. I throw it in the fire place and start a small fire. Whilst I wait on the fire growing, I sweep the snow out of the building, using a twig broomstick that my father made when I was younger. I used to play house here with him when I was younger. I sit on the dry spot in front of the fire and wait on Gale.

He comes into the house about a half hour later, carrying a turkey. He looks pissed. Whether it's because of my recent engagement to Peeta or my dragging him here, I don't know. He walks into the house and stares at me, anger building in his eyes. I stand up, running towards him, expecting a hug. Instead, he kisses me.

" No, Gale! No," I shout against his mouth but he just deepens the kiss. " No!" I say, giving him the perfect opportunity to shove his tongue in my mouth. He pops it through with ease and I whine against his lips. He pushes me to the wall, holding my hands above my head. And then he pulls away, only to pull my top off, taking my bra with it. I yelp and, given the chance since he's pulled away, I squeal, " Peeta!" as loud as I can. Gale puts his hands on my breasts and I wince, yelling Peeta's name again. Just as he's about to put his wet mouth on me, Peeta bursts in the house.

" What the- No!" He yells, lunging at Gale. He pulls Gale off me and tackles him to the floor, smashing his head with his fist. I grab my shirt and bra and yank them on, staring at Peeta. I can feel a twinge of pain against my belly and abdomen, but it's nothing serious. I know that. I jump to the floor and pull Peeta off Gale. Gale is close to loosing consciousness, and I punch him hard to finish him off. Peeta hugs me tight and kisses me. " He was going to-" he says.

" I know, Peeta," I whisper. Peeta grabs the wild turkey and stomps away from Gale. He runs and I tell him I'll be back soon. I want to go hunting for a while first.

I am proud of my success at hunting today. I caught two squirrels, and a wild turkey. But I leave them in the woods. I don't need them, so what's the point in risking it? Plus, Peeta has the wild turkey so that'll sell for a fair price. I walk carefully out of the woods and head to the square, trying to find a shop to by a baby blanket in, or something along those lines. There's a crowd at the square. I squint, trying to find a way to see.

Then I hear the scream.

That's Peeta's scream! No! No! I push through the crowd, hearing the murmurs of the crowd. I ignore them. I need to get to Peeta! Where's Peeta!? I manage to clear a path through the clumps of people and I dash to the front.

Peeta is chained to a wooden post.  The turkey, Gale's one, it's hanging above him. His shirt is laying, torn on the ground. He slumps on his knees, not unconscious. I stare at him, not quite understanding. His back is raw, and covered in blood and he's wincing.

Standing behind him is a man I've never seen before. His suit tells me it all. He's the new head Peacekeeper.

And nothing quite makes sense until the whip cracks over Peeta's bare back.

- - -  * * *  - - -

" No!" I scream, running towards him. " Please, no! Don't hurt him!!" The whip is already flying down and I know I do not have the strength to stop it from hitting him. I dash in front of his, spreading my arms across his raw body. I take the full weight of the whip against my lip and cheek.

The pain is blinding, and small specs of light dance before my eyes. I sink to me knees, clutching my face. I hold in a yelp. I can feel Peeta's blood under my knees and my welt coming apparent across my cheek. " Stop! Please don't kill him!" I cry.

The man above me smiles cruelly. He has deep lines, and an almost balding head of gray hair, black, offending eyes. He raises his whip above my face, his eyes holding contact with mine the entire time. Peeta grumbles something I think is my name and I put my hands over my face, ready for the next lash.

" Hold that thought," I hear a voice say. Haymitch. Haymitch ignores the Peacekeeper who turned Peeta's back to a slab of meat and helps me up. " Oh, that's just great," he pops his hand under my chin, tilting my head up. " She has a photo shoot modelling dresses tomorrow. What am I supposed to say, huh?"

The mans eyes flicker with recognition and he suddenly realises. I am the victor of the last Hunger Games, and so is Peeta. " She interrupted the punishment of an offender," he stutters.

" I don't care if she blew up the entire bloody district, look at her face! Think that'll be photo ready in a week? I think not," Haymitch says.

The stutters slightly, " That's really not my problem, is it."

Haymitch scoffs. " Oh no? Well, I think you'll find it is, my friend. I want to know right now who gave you permission to mess up my pretty little victors face."

" He was poaching. He wouldn't admit it, but look at that turkey. What the hell does she have to do with it anyways?"

" He's her fiancé, if you must know," Haymitch grumbles.

I stare at Peeta's limp body. He's going to die if we don't get him treated soon! All I care about is saving him, so I look the man in the cold, black eyes. " Sir," I say. " I believe, for first offence, the required number of lashes has been dispensed. So, I'd very much appreciate it if you'd step aside."

" Is that what happens here?" He asks the crowd. Everybody nods and he says, " Very well. Get him out of here before I change my mind." He cleans off the whip, splattering us all in my Peeta's blood, and walks off.

" Pe- Peeta!" I say, unbinding him. I try to lift him up, but I can't, so I fall back to my knees sobbing. Haymitch says something about taking him to my mother and lifts his limp body up. I follow him, sobbing, tears dripping into the melting snow. He tells me to get snow on it, so I nod and scoop some up, holding it to my cheek.

When we arrive at the house, my mother stares at us,  taking the scene in. " New head," Haymitch explains. And she helps us carry him in.

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