Chapter Fourteen <3 Fall Hard

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Grabbing Peeta's arm, I pull him into the holy shade of the tree. I gasp and realise that we're stuck out here. Is Thread going to come and get us? Arrest us? Whip us? . . . Hang us?

Shut up, Katniss. You're being stupid. You've been locked out of 12 by electric fences before.

But Gale always knew what to do. I'm on my own now, with Peeta. What are we going to do?

I peek through the holes in the trees, seeing only glittering snow. No Peacekeepers. Nothing. It's clear.

I can't touch it, that would result in electrocution. I can't burrow under it, the ground is frozen solid. Somehow, we're going to have to go over it.

I drag Peeta through the foliage, looking for a tall enough tree, near enough to the edge of the fence. I find on, and say to Peeta, " I'll help you up after I've gotten up, ok?" He nods.

I make my way up the tree slowly, then help Peeta up. " I'm going to jump down, then you're gonna follow, ok?" I say. Once again, he nods slowly.

I climb along the thin branch, knowing that, at any moment, it could snap. I almost don't care, but I shake the thought away. I can't leave Peeta stuck in the woods.

Slowly, I come to a stop at the edge of the branch. I precariously stand up. I'm going to break something, or at the very least, fracture something.

I slowly bend my legs, closing my eyes. I take a deep breath and jump, slowly toppling to the ground. I feel as if it takes minutes for the impact to come, and, when it does, it hurts. There's a piercing, shooting pain in my ankle, and my tail bone too. It seems to meet in the middle of my leg, and I feel dizzy. I call out in pain.

" Katniss!?" Peeta screams. " Katniss!? Are you ok!?"

" Peeta, I'm fine," I say, holding back a wince. " Just do what I did."

He nods through the foliage, and begins to edge his way forward, excruciatingly slowly. He wobbles and yelps, and I look up. That's when I see the crack.

" Peeta!" I yell. " Back up! It's gonna crack under your wait!"

He scampers back, and I stare up in disbelief. I have to get him out of there! Bur the only person that would know what to-


I don't want to, but I have no choice. I can't leave Peeta up there! " Peeta, hand on! I'll only be a second!"

" Where are you going, Katniss!?" Ge shouts.

I sigh. " I'm going to get Gale." I say.

" No!" He yells.

" Peeta, I can't leave you here!" I say.

" But-" he begins.

" But nothing," I say. " I'll be back soon." I trudge off towards the Seam.

I run to Gales house, and bang on the door. Footsteps sound, and I'm suddenly standing in front of Gale. He smirks.

" I knew you'd come running back," he says. I slap him hard across his face.

" You're an asshole!" I roar. He backs up. I say, " And as much as is enjoy killing you right now, I need something from you."

He grins. " Lover boy can't satisfy you? Is that it?" He questions. I slap him hard again.

" No," I say. " He's trapped in the woods, and I need you to get him out."

He laughs. " No," he says, chuckling.

" Please, Gale." I plead.

" I want something in return," he says slyly.

" Anything," I say a little too quickly.

" I want you to kiss me," he says. I gasp. " I want you to kiss me hard. I want to you to kiss my passionately."

" What the hell!?" I scream, and, once again, slap him straight across the face. He grins.

" Well then, your little Peeta's never gonna get outta there, is he?" He says.

I gulp. " Fine," I cry.

He smiles and pulls me close to him. Then he smashes his lips to mine, and kisses me. He tries to deepen the kiss, but I kiss him softly. He shoves his tongue inside my mouth, but this time, I can't protest. I close my eyes and wait for it to end. He grabs my right butt cheek and squeezes it. " Oh shit, stop!" I say into his mouth, but he just kisses my harder.

When I finally pulls away, I gasp in air. Why did I just agree to this? I could've got Haymitch to help!

What have I done?

Gale drags me to the fence and then says, " Run along," and turns to Peeta.

I bound away, finally feeling the pain in my ankle.

Peeta Mellark;

I scowl at Gale and he smirks up at me. " Sure you want to get outta there," he says. " Since you'll have no one."

" Shut up," I growl. " I have Katniss,"

" Not so sure about that, Mellark. " Says Gale. " After the make out session we just had.

What? What make out session? Katniss wouldn't do that. Would she? No, no, it'll just be one of Gales stupid lies, or maybe he used bribery to make her.

" Katniss, she wouldn't do that." I say. She wouldn't, would she. No, she loves me. . . Or does she?

Gale chuckles. " Oh, contrare." He says. Then he claps his hands together. " So, Mellark, how're we gonna get you down from there."

I shrug my shoulders. He opens his mouth like he's about to say something, but then closes it and shakes his head.

After a few more minutes of silence, Gale runs off. I curse him while he's gone, calling him obscenities you've never even heard. He comes scampering back, carrying a long ladder.

" Yeah, that'll electrify me, smart arse," I say, rolling my eyes.

Gale taps on rubber pieces, showing my that I won't be electrified. He props it up against the fence, and tells me to jump from the tree to the ladder. It's a long way, and If I miss by a tiny amount, I'll be electrified. But should I, if Katniss doesn't even love me?

I wrap my hands round the branch and dangle off the tree. Then I close my eyes, and slowly let go. I feel myself falling, so open my eyes. I see the top of the ladder fleeting by and grab the side. Hanging on with one hand, I slowly pull myself onto the ladder.

I slowly climb down the ladder, then dismount it.

" You know, I don't know why you wanted outta there," he says. " Since Katniss doesn't love you."

Katniss Everdeen;

Peeta bursts through the door. I look up from my bag of sweets.

" Ooh, sweets!" He cries and grabs them, stuffing five in his mouth. Then he tosses it to Haymitch, who shoves a fistful in his mouth, then throws it to a giggling Prim. She catches them gracefully, and stuffs the last nine in her mouth, then hands the empty bag to me.

" Oh thanks," I say sarcastically. " I've always wanted a paper bag!" Then I giggle.

- - - * * * - - -

Peeta carries me to bed. He tucks me in, then proceeds to leave.

" Stay?" I ask of him.

He walks over and kisses my head, then says, " I gotta get home."

That night, he doesn't stay with me


A/N; I'm sorry if this chapter's short, I had terrible writers block!

Thank you to Hannah Verhees, who helped me to develop the idea for this chapter!

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