Catching Fire ; If Katniss Loved Peeta

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What if Katniss had loved Peeta? How different would the story line have been? - Katniss Everdeen has decided she is in love with her fellow victor, Peeta Mellark. But when they go on their victory tour, will everything change? And when they're landed back in the arena, will they both survive?


Hey Guys!

Not much to say, but new fan fiction! 😋

Thank you, my lovelies! 💖


Critical Acclaim for Beacon of Hope:

" I'm so scared to read the next chapters now!" - HannahVorhees

" It was mind blowing! Like you did awesome with adjectives and details! Amazing job! Write more, you're my favourite now!" - PEETALOVER003

" Oh My Gosh! So Good! :) LOVE IT!" - HannahVorhees



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