Chapter Twenty Three <3 Interviews

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Cinna puts the finishing touches on my 'wedding dress'. I sigh unhappily. It's bad enough that I won't marry Peeta, but does Snow have to rub it in my face?

Suddenly, in comes Peeta. " Hey, beautiful." He says, wrapping his arms around my waist.

" Hello, handsome." I reply.

" Okay, you two," Haymitch says, walking in. " You're going on together. Then you will spin, the masterpiece underneath will show off the baby bump, then Peeta will tell Panem. With any luck, the Games will be stopped."

" Yeah right," I mumble. Haymitch sighs.

" We have to try," he says unhappily.

Peeta pecks me lips. " Show time," he says, as we head backstage. Effie spots me, and a single tear runs down her cheek.

" Oh, Katniss." She sobs, taking my hands. " You would have been the most beautiful bride."

" Thank you," I say. Is it just me or is Effie softening?

I grasp Peeta's hand, and none other than Johanna fucking Bitch turns round and says, " A wedding dress? Really?"

" Snow made me wear it," I growl. She pats my hand unexpectedly.

" Make him pay," she whispers with a slight smile. I smile back.

A few interviews later, we are called on. I grasp Peeta's hand for balance and we walk on. The crowd erupts in cheers. We stand next to a very solemn Caesar and he says, " Well, hello, star crossed lovers!"

" Hi, Caesar." I say, smiling like an idiot.

" I think we were all very upset when we learned that a certain wedding would not take place."

" Well, Caesar, do you think our friends can keep a secret?" Peeta asks. What is he going to do?

" Oh, I think so, Peeta, my boy." Caesar says happily.

" We already got married." The crowd goes crazy, chanting our names.

" Oh my!" Caesar cries. " Was this the dress?"

I nod, " yes."

" Well, Girl On Fire, will you twirl for us one last time?" Caesar asks. My heart starts pounding. This is it. Peeta squeezes my hand then let's go. I begin twirling, and am caught of guard by the smile blossoming at the bottom of my dress. But I don't stop, not until the smoke has ceased.

I raise my arms. I have wings. I am a Mockingjay.

I am a Mockingjay.

Then I remember my bump, and place my hands on it. Caesar is literally screaming. " What is this!?" He cries.

" This, Caesar, is our unborn baby." Peeta says, wiping away his tears. They're not fake tears. They're real.

The crowd erupts in screams of horror, and yells, and wails. Caesar whispers something in Peeta's ear, Peeta nods and takes my hand and we join the other tributes. Peeta takes my hand I his and I take Chaffs, and before I know it all of us are holding hands. The set goes black, but I know it has already been done. The dice has been cast. They have seen.

We do not agree.

We do not condone.

We will not kill.

We are one.

- - - * * * - - -

Hello! Sorry it's so short! I'm working up to the arena, the exciting part! Love ya all!

- J x 💋🍞

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