Chapter 20: Dead roses

Start from the beginning

A bunch of smoke splashed up causing the pan to sizzle loudly. Shit. It slowly simmered down. I decided that's enough cooking for today.

I went in my room starving. Seeing Serenity still sleeping.

I didn't know if Luke was here. Since he had school starting up again.

Honestly though I didn't care.

I don't care. I'm more happy by that than feeling all glum about it. I searched through my things found some money and grabbed a jacket. I guess I'll just go to the store.

I put my sneakers on key in hand. Walking out the house. I went down to the store I usually go down too. Passing the intersection I must pass to get there.

I walked in seeing the same ole register guy.

"Hello doll." He said. I smiled. Waving my hand.

"Hi." I said cheekily. I walked to the back trying to get what I wanted. Which was nonsense. Chips a soda. Any food I could fit in my stomach.

I heard the ringing of a bell meaning the door opened. I looked at it and saw no one at first. But I saw the register guy come out from his seat.


I shook my head about to turn around when I felt arms turn me around themselves. I nearly shrieked.
I saw the guy in the hood.

His bright blue eyes still shining through. While his face still covered as if he was a ninja.

I smiled nervously.

"Hi.." I said a little nervously. Staring at his eyes. The only thing I could see under his hood.

He dimmed his eyes. Squinted.

"The one you desire isn't the one you want.." I gazed up at him scrunching my eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Trying to move away but he made me stay.

"You will figure it out." He said. Letting my forearm go. I walked up to the register. About to pay.

"Now what did I say?" I turned my head to the hood.

"You don't have to pay. Hurry and leave." He motioned by moving his gloved hands towards the door.

"Thank you. But why are you doing this?" I asked he never responded. He just walked away.

I looked at the register guy. He was scared shitless. I don't know why. At the same time I'm surprised my anxiety level never rose.

"How are you?" I asked tiredly. I have so much work to do. Every teacher. Ugh.

"I'm alright doll." He said placing my items in a bag.

I grabbed the bag smiling to him waving. Secretly placing the five dollars down. He gave me a melancholy look.

I went to the door trying to open it.

But it was locked. I laughed nervously. Now my anxiety was picking up.

"Hey the door's locked ha can you help me?" I motioned to the register guy.

The Stalker-- sorry My StalkerWhere stories live. Discover now