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Josh's P.O.V.

"Joshua Bradley, I'm sorry to tell you but you have kidney cancer. Now it's not as severe as it could be, but the cancer cells are growing at an exceedingly fast pace and they could end up going to other places. You are going to start up treatment and you agreed to having it in New York?" He asked as I nodded.

"Yes, I'm planning on leaving tonight." I said as he nodded.

"Okay, the sooner you get your treatment the better." He said as he walked out of the room to go grab the paper.

I looked down at the ring on my finger and I felt myself break. I can't allow him to watch me go through this all. I can't allow him to see me in pain. I won't allow it. That is why I have to leave. It's for the best.

Freya 😸: are you at the doctors?

ZRK: yeah, he just got the papers I'm leaving in a little.

Freya 😸: just tell me when you get on the plane and when you are about to land. I'll pick you up okay?

ZRK: yep, sounds good.

Freya knew that I had cancer. We found out before we left to New York. I didn't want to believe it. I thought that gave me an even better reason to leave the guys and go to a good doctor. But I could leave Simon and all of them with at least one more special time.

Now I guess this is it. I'm going to be taken care of and I don't have to worry about hurting anyone. Freya's just helping me, she already knew so I can't help not hurting her. I talked about it all with her. She wanted me to stay with Simon, she really did, but I couldn't do that. I couldn't do that to him. He is my everything and more. I can't let him see me in my weakest, it will hurt him more than it will hurt me.

I got all of the paperwork and left the building. I got ready to go to the airport as I got myself a taxi.

"Where would you like to go?" The driver asked as I thought about going home, to see Simon, but I decided on not doing that.

"The airport please." I said as he started to drive away from the house and to the airport.


I got there just in time for my flight. This is goodbye to YouTube, my family, everyone I love, everything I love and hello to chemotherapy.

I got on the plane and watched as we took off. I looked down at the ring and I knew this was the best option. I know what's going to happen. I'm going to die, I'm not going to make it. I can't let Simon feel what I felt towards my mum. When my mum died, I lost a piece of me. I know it hurts less to have someone leave you, then to watch them slowly die.

Goodbye Simon, I'll always love you.


About a week later and I just had surgery to get the tumor remove. Sadly the surgery did not go as planned and the cells are still forming. Luckily, I didn't die.

Now I'm going in for chemo. Luckily Freya has been really helpful. At first it was a little weird between the two of us, but overall she has been really supportive.

"Ready to not have any hair?" She asked joking as the put the tubes inside and I gave her a fake smile.

"So ready. Couldn't be anymore excited." I said as she laughed.

Her phone started to ring and she walked off. I watched as the liquid slowly went inside. Watching the stream go up. She walked back over and just smiled.

"Who was that?" I asked as she just looked at me confused.

"Oh, just my boss, I had to tell him that I wasn't able to go in today. Kind of forgot." She said smiling.

I knew she was lying. Why was she lying? Who would she keep secret?

A/N: it's back!! I know how some of you have been waiting for this and have been on the edge of your seat for the sequel 😂, I'm only kidding. But I hope you're excited for this. It's taken me a little to get ready for this, but here it is. I hope you are ready. Anyway, bye!

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