Chapter XXIX, Letting Go.

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a/n: i posted the part where Tori and Vanessa break up if you want to read it(:


Waking up without Camila sucks; simple as that.

Lauren finds herself reaching blindly for Camila's hand and waiting for her girlfriend's lips to touch hers but when nothing happens, she opens one eye, looks to the side and whines like a child because Camila is definitely not there and the space of her bed beside hers is empty and cold and Lauren is already hating life.

Her hatred towards life only gets worse when Lauren walks down the hall hungry as hell and Normani scare the crap out of her as she makes her way to the kitchen.

"Don't fucking do that!" Lauren shouts loudly, covering her eyes with one hand and placing the other just above her fast-beating heart.

"I didn't do anything," Normani replies truthfully and with a sleepy voice that tells Lauren that just like her, she just woke up.

Okay, so Lauren may or may not have overreacted a little when she saw Normani sitting in one of the couches of the living room (where she apparently slept in) but quite frankly, Lauren has always been a little bit of a drama queen, so it is fine.

The paler girl waits for her heart to calm down a bit before she brings her hands down to her waist and looks at Normani with her eyebrows furrowed and the question mark basically written all over her face.

"What are you doing here?" Lauren asks suspiciously, crossing her arms over her chest and narrowing her eyes. If this is what it looks like, Lauren's mood will only get worse.

"I spent the night," the dark-skinned girl answers, avoiding Lauren's eyes as much as she can because Lauren is already looking at her like she wants to punch her in the face.

(Which is totally true, by the way.)

"Un-believable," Lauren mutters as she shakes her head softly. Then she hears the water in the shower running and Lauren take that as her cue to leave because she doesn't want to see Dinah's face this morning.

If Lauren is honest, she doesn't want to be around Normani or Dinah because she is still pretty pissed at them for the whole misunderstanding that happened the night before with Vanessa. So just to avoid any argument or fight (she would totally smash them both with her words, though) Lauren will just walk to the kitchen and will ignore Normani and Dinah for as long as she can and after she is done with her breakfast, she will lock herself in her bedroom until Camila arrives to give her some love.

Or at least that is the plan and that is what Lauren thinks that is the mature thing to do.

The green-eyed girl enters the kitchen and opens the door of the fridge to see what is there to eat before she hears the door of the kitchen being opened for the second time in less than a minute.

She ignores Normani's presence even though there is a voice in the back of her head that is telling her that ignoring her is not very mature of her. But there is no room for second thoughts, so whatever.

"I just don't know what to do anymore, okay?" Normani tells her, watching Lauren from the door after a whole minute of silence goes by.

Lauren turns her head and looks at Normani as if saying "I didn't ask," and then she takes some eggs from the fridge and walks towards the stove, not even bothering to look back at her friend's way. The voice in her head telling her to stop ignoring Normani gets slightly louder.

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