Chapter XXVIII, (Broken) Hearts.

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Lauren wakes up the next morning thanks to a small kiss placed in her cheek. It is actually a soft kiss; lips barely touch her smooth skin, but Lauren feels it and it is enough to make her heart race against her ribs when those same lips are pressed sweetly against her jaw.

Then there is another kiss placed in the bridge of her nose, another in her other cheek, the tip of her nose, her chin, her temple, and her forehead and soon enough Lauren realizes that Camila is peppering her face with sweet small kisses that make her green eyes flutter open.

First thing that Lauren notices when she looks up at her girlfriend is that Camila's eyes are still swollen but just as beautiful as they have ever been and sooner than later she finds herself getting lost in her girlfriend's warm gaze and the exquisite color of her eyes. Camila looks so beautiful that Lauren struggles to breathe and to tame her racing heart as she notices that sleep is still very much present in the girl's eyes, making her look quite adorable.

"Morning," Camila says just above a whisper before she leaves a lingering and tender kiss between Lauren's eyebrows. Her sleepy voice is probably the only sound Lauren wants to wake up to for the rest of her life.

"Good morning," Lauren says in a sigh and looks hopefully at Camila, expecting her to kiss the only part she missed: her lips.

"Are we okay?" the brown-eyed girl questions instead and holds her breath, looking at Lauren attentively as the green-eyed girl just licks her lips and stares lovingly at her.

A moment later, Lauren just blinks at her and nods her head softly. "Of course we are, Camz," she says with a smile tugging at one side of her lips as she brushes a strand of hair away from Camila's face.

"Okay," Camila says and lets out a relieved breath, fumbling with the sheets while Lauren trails her fingers down her cheekbones and her jaw. "With everything that happened last night I didn't know what to think," she confesses, looking down at Lauren's hand when the black-haired girl reaches for hers.

Lauren feels Camila pressing their palms together and she intertwines their fingers before she tugs at Camila's hand to pull her in and as closer to her as she could.

After last night, Lauren just wants to feel Camila close to her in every sense of the word.

"Nothing is going to change the way I feel about you, love," Lauren tells her sincerely, soft husky voice melting Camila's heart as she locks her enticing green eyes with Camila's warm ones when they face each other. "Nothing, okay?" she asks when Camila just keeps looking at her.

The brown-eyed girl nods with half a smile on her lips before Lauren leans in to kiss it and finally get her morning kiss.

"I know what it's like to go through something like this," Lauren says as Camila cuddles up to her side and rests her head in her chest.

"You do?" Camila asks her sounding quite surprised. Lauren just hums in response and closes her eyes, waiting. "Are you going to tell me or..."

There it is, Lauren thinks and a cocky smile paints her lips.

"There was this girl that I kind of liked back home," the green-eyed starts as she begins to run her fingertips over Camila's bare arm. "We went to high school together and she was the first girl I ever felt really attracted to," Lauren continues and sighs. "She was actually the first girl I ever kissed."

Camila grumbles something and Lauren can't exactly tell what she said but it sounds a lot like she is jealous, so she ponders for a moment if she should continue or not.

And since the feelings (if Lauren can even call them that) she had for that girl are absolutely nothing compared to what she feels for Camila, she decides to keep going; mostly because she wants Camila to know that she is not the only girl in the world that is going through something like this and one way or another it always gets better.

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