Chapter III, Uknown things.

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Lauren realizes why she was being so difficult once she gets home.

It has been an hour since Lauren has seen Camila and she can't stop thinking about her.

It goes from her lips to her eyes, from her tight-lipped smile to her thoughtful expression and it goes from her words to her actions and all that is in between.Most of all, it goes from the feelings that Lauren never felt before to the ones she is feeling now. That is why.

Lauren's always been in check with her own feelings and it scares her when she doesn't recognize what one of them means. This feeling? The one that Camila makes her feel? That feeling scares the hell out her, for sure, because Lauren is not stupid. She has a very good idea of what it could potentially mean.

And now Lauren knows what Vanessa meant when she said that everything was going to change.

There is an immense change in disposition within her.

All of a sudden she wants to go out, loosen up, and start living how she is supposed to. How she really wants to. There is this new feeling in her chest that makes her feel like if she wants to fight a million of bad guys, she would win without a doubt. She feels powerful as if there is nothing that could beat her. She feels her heart; she really feels her heart beating inside of her chest. Literally. She could count each beat if she wants to, that is how strong it is beating. Lauren feels like she can conquer the world and she is unstoppable.

(Perhaps there is a certain brunette she has to be thankful for.)

Now Lauren is sitting on the couch, trying to watch some crappy television, still thinking about Camila when Dinah comes to sit beside her. She is looking at her with the hugest smirk she has ever seen and Lauren raises an eyebrow at her best friend, silently asking her what is going on.

"Guess who started to follow you on Instagram just now," Dinah smiles so big at her that Lauren immediately notices the dimples around her eyes.

She has a really good idea of who that could be but she keeps her mouth shut and waits for Dinah to break the silence.

"Mila," the Polynesian eventually answers and grinning, she shoves her phone on Lauren's face for her to see.

"Nice," Lauren says once she sees the notification on her own phone, giving Dinah her phone back, "she's my follower number 69," she snorts amused.

"Will you get your head out of the gutter," Dinah sighs and rolls her eyes at her best friend, sinking back on the couch lifting her legs to rest them on Lauren's lap.

"But it's true!" Lauren laughs and goes to her profile to show Dinah her number of followers. The other girl laughs loudly, seeing that in fact, Camila was Lauren's 69th follower.

"It wouldn't surprise me if Mila did that on purpose," Dinah says running a hand through her thick and dirty-blonde hair. "That piece of crap is always making dirty jokes," she chuckles while the other girl is going through Camila's Instagram pictures.

Lauren literally gasps when she sees one of Camila's last selfies. The brown-eyed girl was looking at the camera with parted lips and barely raised eyebrows. Nothing much different from what Lauren does but it's the fact that Camila looks freaking flawless that makes her gasp. Maybe it was the lighting or the fact that her hair, unlike today, was straight but Lauren finds herself staring at the picture for at least thirty seconds before scrolling down to the next one.

"She looks hot in that one," Dinah says watching as Lauren stopped by another selfie. "But wait until you see her first pictures," the Polynesian warns, "the 'Camila face' in all of its glory."

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