Chapter IX, Falling Slow.

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If there is one thing that Lauren likes to do when she is surrounded by her friends is this: to observe.

Right now there is no one particularly talking to her, so she uses this little time she has to watch the different dynamics between her friends and how their friendships work.

Like Normani and Ally, for example. They are seating beside each other in one of the couches and every now and then they giggle at something that Ally said. For the look Normani is wearing, all passionate and dreamy, Lauren is sure that they are either talking about apple pie or chicken wings. But it is definitely about food.

It is really cute how Normani and Ally seem to get along so well considering the fact that they have not spent so much time together until recently. But at the same, time it is not surprising at all since they have a lot of things in common. They bond over food, faith and their sense of humor amongst other things. The list is endless.

After a couple of minutes Normani's gaze travel to the other group, that consists in Camila, Tori, and Vanessa. Her dark brown eyes search for her roommate's hazel ones and when they meet, Vanessa crosses her eyes and tries to make a funny face at Normani, making her smile and roll her eyes lightheartedly at the action. It is an interaction that doesn't last more than five seconds and Lauren finds herself smiling too because somehow they always seem to look for each other.

Vanessa and Normani have known each other for over two years now and they quickly became friends. Lauren always found funny how the British used to tease Normani all the time by annoying the hell out of her, so when she asked her about it a long time ago, her answer warmed her heart.

Her answer was something along the lines of "it's just that she misses her family a lot and she's homesick most of the time so I try to take her mind off of it by annoying her, that's all."

And since Lauren knew her true intentions, she knew that Vanessa didn't mean any harm with her constant teasing, so it is fine as long as Normani is fine too.

And then her eyes are fixed on Harry and Dinah that are still sitting on the table.

They are facing Lauren and she can clearly see that they are in their own little world. It is like it doesn't matter the number of distractions they have right now because they only see each other.

Harry is teaching Dinah how to play scrabble but he doesn't realize that Dinah is not paying attention to anything he is saying. Instead, she just looks at him with smile on her face until Harry notices that he is not getting answers to his question.

And it is then when he lifts his gaze to meet Dinah's eyes, making him drop clumsily the little pieces of scrabble that he had in his hands. His face gets bright red and Lauren has to actually stifle her laughter. It is adorable how nervous he gets when Dinah looks at him. She guesses he tries to hide his blush by picking up the pieces of scrabble and when Lauren's eyes locks with Dinah's, the Polynesian giggles and winks at her. She knows the effect she has on him and she definitely knows what she is doing.

When he sits properly he apologizes awkwardly and Dinah just smiles warmly at him. Lauren feels likes she is intruding on something she is not supposed to see.

But then Dinah does something completely unexpected.

She grabs a tangerine from the fruit bowl that is in the middle of the table, and yells towards them. "Simba, watch out!"

She doesn't even wait for Tori to look at her when she throws the tangerine at her and as a result, there is a collective gasp when the fruit collides with Vanessa's cast instead of Tori's head.

Camila is covering her mouth with her hand, Tori is looking at Vanessa's cast with wide brown eyes, Harry's has his mouth open, Ally is still in her place looking at the British girl and Normani...well, Normani looks like she is about to kill someone.

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