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{Chapter 7: Glitter!}

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{Chapter 7: Glitter!}

"Sorry I'm late" Rose says running to her seat. "Why you late?" Farkle questions the girl as she sits down.

"Soccer practice" The latina says. "I didn't know the school had a soccer team" Riley says confused.

"They don't" Mr. Matthews said also confused. "I know that, but in high school they do. I can't play games since I'm not in high school but that doesn't mean I can't practice with them. Anyways, enough about be, where were we" Rose explains.

"Alright, Somebody tell me what's going on in the world" Mr. Matthews takes the attention off Rose. "Stuff happened in some country, some team won a game, and it's cold somewhere with a chance of I don't care. Am I all caught up?" Maya says sarcastically.

"Yeah. Your education's complete. Anybody who's gonna turn out well got something to say? Lucas" Mr. Matthews calls on Lucas. "All the news is about the elections"

"So are all of the commercials" Farkle adds. "Yeah youtube is covered with the election stuff" Axel says pulling out his phone.

"Why should we care about the elections when we don't get to vote?" Riley questions. "Who else feels that way?" Everyone raises there hands.

"Well, that's a shame, guys, because this world's gonna belong to you soon" Corey says. "The one you messed up?" Maya says.

"Yeah, thanks anyway" Lucas says. "Oh quit being bitter, once we get that power, then we can turn it into whatever we want" Rose rolls her eye.

"When I read the news, it makes me feel like this isn't even a world I'd want to rule" Farkle says sadly. "No you can still rule, just choose to make the world better" Rose says smiling.

"Nope I already made plans, You. Me. Mars" Farkle says smirking. "Okay but Lucas, Axel, and Nathan have to come too"

"I guess" Farkle sighs glaring at a smiling Lucas. "Thank you Rose, You guys are supposed to be optimistic. Future leaders. You don't get cynical until high school" Mr. Matthews explains.

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