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{Chapter 4: You're My Person}

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{Chapter 4: You're My Person}

"You didn't disagree with him" Maya yells to Riley walking in the school. "This is your fault" Rose whisper yells to Lucas.

"I didn't do anything!" He whisper yells. "Yes you did, you were right!" Rose yells confusing the boys.

"Ooh, chick fight! Chick fight right here, ladies and gentlemen. One dollar to see the shocker by the lockers. Brought to you by Zay Babineaux enterprises" They hear Zay say pointing to Riley and Maya. "I'm not gonna be the cause of this" Lucas says walking to Riley and Maya with Rose in tow.

"Too late, huckleberry" Maya yells. "You know why it happened, Maya? All you do is call me names. I finally struck back once" Lucas says upset.

"This has nothing to do with you, who I will deal with later" Maya threatens. "Agreed" Rose says.

"Yee" All the boys says unison making Rose laugh. "This happened because she stuck up for you" Rose points to Riley then Lucas.

"I didn't stick up for him" Riley says shaking her head. "You weren't supposed to agree" Rose says.

"How could she disagree with him, he's right?" Farkle says walking behind Rose. "You're next!" Rose yells pointing to him.

"I want to be first" Farkle says with wide eyes. "Not now" Rose says trying to hold back a smile still pointing at him.

"He is right, you know" Nathan says. "I will hurt you!" Rose yells.

"Why does that mean so much to everybody? When being right is more important than being friends Then that's the end of being friends" Maya says. The bell rings she then walks into class.

"I told you it wasn't just about who is right and wrong" Rose says before she follows Maya into the class room. "Yeah, no chance" Farkle says then erases the board.

"Is this still going on?" Mr. Matthews questions. "I thought a person stops asking dumb questions in the 20s?" Rose snaps sarcastically.

"Yowzas" The man says looking at the girls. "I'm moving my seat" Maya says walking in the back of the class room to sit in the desk next to Nathan.

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