"How does his mom feel about you?"

"She likes me. His father does too."

"Good, does that mean the two of you are an official item?"

"Yes ma." I said.

"Are you excited?"

"Excited?" I laughed. "For what?"

"Well are you happy?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm happy. He makes me happy."

"So what's wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing. I'm just scared."

"Scared of?" She asked. 

"I don't know. Falling for him." I said.

"Stop being scared." She said. "Let yourself live a little. Let yourself love that man because we know you do." She said.

"It's different ma."

"Well then make it un-different."

"How?" I laughed.

"I don't know. You ain't telling me what's different."

"A lot. We come from totally different places. He loves so quick and I'm afraid."

"You can't let fear ruin your life. He loves you, and I'm sure you could tell with everything that he does. "Let that man love on you good."

"I'll try."

"Just do it." She said and I sighed.

"You're right."

"I know, now I got to go. Your father wants you to take me out on a date."

"Well isn't that cute." I said.

"Yeah." she sighed content. "Since the party we've gotten better. It's like we're learning to love and live better again."

"What you mean?"

"Baby people change and as long as your father and I've been together we've both changed a bunch. It's a good thing. Growth and maturity. You never stop learning who you're with." She explained.

"Alright Mommy." I said and we hung up.

The thought of an ever changing man scared me a little. Brandon could be in a phase where he loves me and thinks I'm the best thing in the world and then could turn around and be done with me. I'm not ready for that uncertainty.

I pulled my hair towards the back of my head and gathered my things together.

I sent a text to my sister telling her to meet me at the spot. I had to check out work. It would make me feel better. I grabbed Pea up and we left the house.

Brandon decided on giving me his car, but I just had Naomi pick me up.

"This the last trip you going on until after you give birth." I said.

"Yeah, I'm getting too big for this shit." She said and I nodded. I sat in the seat with my head held back until we got to my house.

I took a shower, and got dressed for work grabbing up a duffle bag from under my bed and I left out with my rollers in my head and a fresh beat. It's usually how I left the house to cover my tracks in case the Feds were watching.

I got into my car and my sister and I went down to the strip club. I kept checking my surroundings just in case things got a little sticky and Brandon still had Anthony following me.

I sighed getting a call from Brandon

"Where you at?" He asked.

"I left out to spend some sister time with Naomi."

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