-Part Seven-

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Ciel Phantomhive

I walked upstairs with Alois after breakfast and to his room. He crashed on his bed and I sat at the end.

"So what happened?" I asked.

"He tried sleeping with me."

"Isn't that what you wanted?"

"Yeah but not in the way I would've liked."

"Well, what happened?"

"So he took me to this carnival, when we got back into his car we were talking all romantic and he kissed me. Of course I kissed back. But then h-he started kissing my jaw and neck a-and he whispered 'Should we go back to my place?' I would've said yes but I just wanted my first time to be special. Not a random hookup. S-so I told him not yet, maybe if we were to go to prom together or something he just said 'maybe' and brought me home. When he dropped me off I uh I kissed him because I didn't want him to think I'm a prude or anything so I tried doing something for him but he just looked at me and told me, 'It's fine Alois. I'll see you Monday.' He waited until I got out of the car then drove away. I just feel like I've disappointed someone."

"Don't worry about it, remember Claude has those intentions, you knew that when you went out with him, and one of the only reasons you went out with him was to get laid. So just make it special and let him screw you."

"Ok well next time, I'll be fine I'll get laid. Anyway how was your date did Sebastian end up sleeping over?"

"No he took me to this really nice diner and in the parking lot we almost kissed but then I just tricked him and he wasn't mad, he laughed. He thought it was funny. So we had an amazing dinner and then he took me to that new horror movie I wanted to see, it was terrifying. He walked me up to the door and asked me to prom for the third time, I said yes and he kissed my hand. Then we kissed and it was perfect, it was absolutely perfect, I asked him to come inside but he-he said he didn't want me to wake up tomorrow morning and regret what I did. Or regret sleeping with him, or regret going out with him. So he left after kissing me once more. He respects me because I would've let him have sex with me but he respects me to much."

"So we both almost got laid last night. And I'm glad you had a good time." He said smiling.

"Did you have a good time?"

"Yeah, until the end yeah."

"So are you going out with him again?"

"Maybe, I know there's gonna be no more brother time. Now that you have a boyfriend."

"Boyfriend is a little extreme. And there will always be time for us to put hot sauce on the toilet paper."

"Boyfriend is not extreme you were prepared to sleep with him."

"Who was prepared to sleep with who?" My father said from the door.

"This girl Cindy total skank she was prepared to sleep with every guy in our school."

"Glad you guys are talking about the important things." My dad walked out closing the door.

"You should invite Sebastian over!"

"Should I? Maybe he'll think I'm clingy."

"If he really likes you he'll want to be with you 24/7." I picked up my phone and went into my messages. My phone then vibrated in my hand. He texted me. I opened the mess he'd and read it out loud to Alois.

"'I know it sounds clingy but would you want to hang out today?' He wants to hang out today!" I shouted to Alois shaking his arm.

"Well tell him to come over here! I'll go to Wills or something." I messaged him back.

To: Sebastian
'Yeah sure cmon over here at noon~?'

From: Sebastian
'See you then dear~'

I jumped off his bed and ran to my parents room.

"Mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom!" I jumped on the end of Their bed, my mother was sitting down with her legs out just talking to my dad.

"Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!" She leaned forward and ruffled my hair.

"Can a friend come over?"

"Who?" My father questioned.


"Fine, keep your door open." My dad said.

"You know I'm almost seventeen?"

"I'm well aware. And your birthday isn't until December, so you won't be seventeen for a good six months."

"Well stop." They laughed and I ran back to Alois's room.


"He's coming over!"


As the door bell rang I jumped off the last step and opened the door. He had white roses this time I accepted them.

"Hello my love." He grabbed my hand and kissed it. Today he was wearing a black loose muscle shirt and classic black jeans with his beat up black converse. He looked really sexy.

"You look, great."

"Thank you my dear, you look stunning." He smiled at me and that's when my father destroyed me.

"Ciel who's your kissy friend?" He came down and moved me out of the way shaking Sebastian's hand.

"I'm Sebastian Michaelis sir a pleasure to meet you."

"I can't-"

"Vincent Phantomhive!" We all turned to my mother at the top of the stairs.


"Tanaka is coming over today, you better get dressed. Hello Sebastian, I hope you'll take very good care of my son. Now Vincent you better hurry, Tanaka will be here at one and if I'm correct he's told me he's bringing a few other colleges to play pool in the billiards room. Apparently Joker and Dagger are coming along."

"Splendid dear." He ran back up the stairs and followed my mother into their room.

"Sorry about him."

"It's no problem at all I can assure you. Is Alois here?"

"Not at the moment, he's at the store downtown with Claude I think."

"Oh so Claude did asked him to prom?"

"Yes why is that such a surprise?"

"The impression Claude was giving me, he acted like your brother and him weren't going back to get serious or anything."

"Oh, well. Alois sure is happy about it although I don't know what he sees in Claude."

"Neither do I honestly." He followed me around to the kitchen where I grabbed a vase and placed in my roses. The lilies were already on the dining table so he went with me up to my room where I placed my Roses on my side table.

"I love your room. It's huge."

"Thank you. Now I'm awfully bored of small talk." He pulled me against him and lifted me up. I wrapped my arms around my neck and our lips pressed together softly. No need for anything sexual. And Sebastian must've felt it too because he could've taken me right then and there but didn't. He actually wanted to take it slow with me, I respect him for it. Our lips moulded perfectly together and his kiss made me feel incredible. Like I was on top of the world. So when my mother knocked on the door to tell me Tanaka was here I didn't care that she saw us kiss, because I hope and pray, he feels the same way about my kiss.

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