3: Wished for a Mate: Two Worlds Collide

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Chapter three

She was scared of it all

Watching from far away

She was given a road

Never knew just when to leave.

-Two Worlds Collide

Demi Lovato

I entered the room alongside Daniel, who grew a serious side when he walked in. The first thing I saw was the Alpha. And the first thing I thought...he's hot. 'He' had sort of windblown dirty blond hair, soft, but chiseled features, and deep brown eyes that you could fall into.

"Hello, what is your name and business?" He asked me the same question Daniel had asked me in the vey beginning. It was a bit hard to focus on the question because just like his eyes, his voice was also alluring. Don't forget that you have a mate. I swear, she buts in as all the wrong moments. I don't. I only seek to remind you that to familiarize yourself with another male...What? What would happen? Remember--our mate rejected us. Make yourself stronger. She whimpered, but I didn't care because if I had to grow up, then so did she.

"My name is Ella and I wish to stay here awhile." I had to be very polite and respectful, otherwise I risked angering him or his alpha wolf. You see there was an exception to the "awaken your wolf when you found your mate" rule. If you became an alpha, whether or not you found your mate, you would have the ability to speak with your wolf. Then to find your mate, you'd know because of the way your wolf got excited. See, your wolves were directly connected to our goddess, Luna, and they wished to follow her every command. However as humans we tended to disobey her, even if we didn't mean to. Humans had their own likes and dislikes that didn't always fit with our wolf or our goddess. For example, when Damon rejected me, his human self did, but not his wolf. His wolf, being connected to Luna, who had brought us together, wanted us to be together.

"Why do you wish to stay here?" He asked me, jerking me out of my thoughts. I didn't know if I should tell him about my mate, but I knew I needed a place to live, so I went for it.

"It isn't necessary for me to stay here. I just need a place to stay because I left my old pack."

"Why did you leave?"

"After my dad's death nobody treated me right. Even my own mate rejected me." I saw his face fill with pity and I immediately regretted what I just said. The last thing I wanted was sympathy, but I needed a place to stay, so I didn't say a word.

"I'm very sorry to hear that, but understand that we can't just let you in on pity. I don't believe that you are a threat, but protocol calls for me to investigate you before I let you in."

"I understand."

"If you don't mind my asking, what was your father's name?" I did mind actually, but I knew that it was just a polite way of ordering me to tell him. Just by looking at him you could tell it was a command and not a question.

"Stephen Jennings." I knew what their reaction would be, I knew, but I still wasn't prepared.

"Stephen Jennings. You-you're sure?"

"I think I know my own father's name."

"I'm sorry for doubting you, after all you have the necklace." Instantly my hand shot to my necklace. "We, as a pack, are sorry for your loss." How many times had I heard that? We're sorry. Sorry was never going to change a thing. Never! It wasn't going to bring him back, was it? It was overused so much; that it had began to mean nothing.

"You're sorry, but that's not going to bring him back is it?" I didn't mean to be rude, but I couldn't help it. I mean, sorry was all I ever heard. I was annoying and unhelpful.

"I apologize for reminding you of your loss and angering you."

"Why are you so damn formal, god?" By this time I knew that I would not be able to stay here after my bluntness and rudeness. His face was of shock and I was betting that no one had ever spoken to him that way. Well allow me to be the first. He opened his mouth and closed it. "What? Cat got your tongue? I'll let myself out." This time he spoke.

"Where do you think you're going?" He looked furious and for the first time I was there I was very frightened of his power.

"I think I'll leave your territory because I don't believe I am welcome here." I hated that my voice shook, but his power had truly frightened me. He seemed a bit smug which was weird because I didn't have him pegged as that sort of a person, but I guess anyone who hung out with David was allowed to be smug.

"Never did I order you to leave. Nor did I ask you to come on to my territory, but because you did you now must listen to me. You are still a threat to this pack, whether you like it or not. We can't-we won't let you in the pack just yet. You will be trained. Day and night. You will learn to fight and settle in. Then we will see if you should be allowed to join this pack." I stood there, speechless. Then in a small voice, I agreed.

"Alright." Upon receiving my affirmation, he turned to Daniel.

"Show her to her new room. Make sure she isn't treated like a prisoner." Daniel nodded and the Alpha turned to me. "My name is Jack and I would like if you ask Daniel if there is anything you need." Daniel turned to me and beckoned toward the door. We reached the room and he pulled open the door. I went to the bed immediately, tired. Daniel didn't leave though and he lingered by the bed. I decided to ask him what he wanted.


Hey I hope you like it. I would really appreciate it if someone could make me a book cover. Pic. of Jack on the side! Happy New Year!!!!

See you next time on I Wished for A Mate!


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