13: Wished for a Mate: Old Days

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Chapter fifteen

Old days - in my mind and in my heart to stay

Old days - darkened dreams of good times gone away

Old days - days of love and feeling fancy free

Old days - days of magic still so close to me

Old days - in my mind and in my heart to stay

Old days - darkened dreams of good times gone away

Old days - days of love and feeling fancy free

Old days - days of magic still so close to me

-Old Days by Chicago

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Ugh," Hayden groaned, "Who now?" She looked at me. "It's your turn."

"There's no such thing as a turn! You're closer to the door. You get it."

"Well, I don't wanna get it. So, oh well."

"Well, too-"

"Just get the door, Ella!" Chase snapped at me. I looked at him, taken aback. Chase never yelled at anybody. When he noticed that everyone was staring at him he said, "What? I'm just having a bad day, okay?" Weird. He didn't have bad days either. If he did, he never took it out on us. I got up to answer the door. The second I opened it I was tackled into a hug.

"Eeeep!" I shrieked. The person got off of me and then slapped me.

"Paige Eleanor Jennings!" My mom? "You are in so much trouble. I can't believe you left with only a two sentence note!"



"Well, um, did you want to meet my friends or yell at me for three more hours?"

"Actually, I would prefer to yell at you for more than three hours, but since your friends are here, I'll meet them." Hayden laughed.

"You never told us that your mom was funny, Ella."

"Well, you know, there never was a time to talk about my past." I said, quietly. Hayden's smile faded.


"Hello, my name is Daniel." Daniel introduced himself and stood up to shake hands with my mom. She took his hand and shook it. Hard. She always did have that strong grip. Daniel slightly winced. I laughed and they all turned to look at me. I grabbed Hayden's hand and pulled her up, dragging her over to where my mom stood.

"Mom, this is Hayden, my best friend."

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Jennings."

"Wow!" I said

"What?" Hayden asked, warily.

"You know how to be polite."

"Shut up." She said, shoving me.

"What?" I said, innocently. I looked up to see my mom smiling, very brightly, at me. "What, mom?"

"Nothing, it's just that you seem much happier than before."

"Um," We all looked at Chase. "I don't mean to interrupt, but what are we going to do about Melanie, Jack, and m-I mean Melanie and Jack."

"Well I guess that we'll go and find out."


I'm so sorry! My computer broke down and then I had a research report, and so on. I'll try to find time to upload soon.

Teaser: Melanie and Jack? What was Chase going to say?

See you next time on I Wished for a Mate.


I Wished for a MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora