A problem

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It was just a normal day on Air Temple Island. It was calm. Peaceful. And totally quiet.

Yeah right!!.

"Coming through!!".

Korra laughed out loud. Her hair was blown back as she whizzed past a few animals. The furry creatures got out of the way. They watched the young avatar fly past, the kids not too far behind.

They were having a race. Each of them were on their own self made airball. So far Korra was in the lead. Again.

"Cheater!!", Ikki yelled, smiling.

Korra jumped into the air, the airball vanishing. The teen landed on the feet. The kids did the same. Korra smirked, her hands on her hips.

"You're just mad I win all the time", she said grinning.

Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo rolled their eyes but smiled.

"Now go on", Korra said. "I'll meet you at the top of the hill in a few. I'm gonna go bother your dad and then I'll be right there for our lunch break"
Korra looked at Meelo.

"Meelo. Don't eat everything", she said, giving him a look. "In fact don't eat anything until I get there. Got it??".

Meelo gave a salute.

"Aye aye, Miss Avatar".

The kids ran off. Korra smiled and turned. She headed towards the Airbender family house, kicking a small rock while on her way. Korra whistled a tune.

What should she do to Tenzin today??. Scare him??. Follow him around for a few seconds even though he'll know she's there??. Imitate him and do everything he does??.

So many possibilities and options. They were all fun to do.

"She's going to destroy the world someday".

Korra stopped. She saw two of the airbender students standing a few yards away. Realizing they couldn't see her, Korra ran to a tree and climbed it. She stayed silent, knowing no one could see her in the shadows. The watched the two airbenders walk towards the tree and stop right under where she was.

"I honestly don't know why the spirits chose Korra to be the Avatar", a dude, Korra recognized was Mato, said.

"She's insane, man. She doesn't shut up".

"I know what you mean", the other guy, who was named Lee, said.

Lee crossed his arms. "Avatar Korra is the most annoying person I've ever met. She's loud and so childish. Sometimes I feel like telling her to shut up for once and let everyone think for a moment. She does nothing but bother everyone and not in a good way".

"I know right", Mato agreed. "The others don't say anything but I can tell. They all want Korra to just go away. I do too".

He rolled his eyes. "I want her to just be a normal, mature person. She's like in her twenties and can't go one day without laughing way too loudly or yelling in someone's face or going completely bonkers".

Lee snickered. "How much you wanna bet she drives Tenzin insane so badly, he'll do anything to get her to go away?".

Korra had never thought of that. Is that really how people think of her??.
She just brushed it off. Of coarse not. Korra jump down on the opposite side of the tree. She quickly and quietly hurried away.

She had some scaring to do.

Korra sighed. She stared up at the ceiling.

Man. She was bored. She decided to go see what Tenzin and Pema was doing.

Korra sat up. She got off the floor and headed towards the kitchen where she knew Tenzin and Pema would be around this time.

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