Fixing a broken heart

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Why must Korra be this damn cute??.

Asami watched as her best friend was playing around with her boyfriend Kino. Asami never really liked Kino. He was annoying and selfish and never treated Korra right. And Korra didn't do anything about it.

Asami, Bolin, and Mako watched Korra play with her boyfriend. Korra was playing with his arms. Asami growled lowly.

"He doesn't deserve her".

Bolin and Mako looked at her.

"Asami. You've liked her for months now. Just tell her how you feel", Bolin said. Asami sighed.

"It's not that easy. She's with someone else. It feels wrong to tell her whole she's taken".


The three looked up in time to see Kino shove Korra to the ground. Asami's eyes narrowed. Korra was on the ground, her cradling her arm. Kino was laughing. Korra didn't look like it was funny. The three ran over to them.

Asami knelt down.

"What happened??".

Korra shook her head. "Doesn't matter".

She looked up at her boyfriend.

"What the heck??. That hurt".

Kino grinned. "I was just playing around. Not my fault you can't take a little slam".

Asami looked up at him and stood, taking up with her.

"You pushed her on purpose??", Asami said angrily.

Kino crossed her arms.

"Oh please. I do that all the time and she doesn't have a problem with it".

Korra frowned deeply.

"Yeah. I do".

Kino frowned. "No. You don't".

Korra glared daggers into him.

"Don't tell me what I think. You're not my brain", she snapped.

"Well if you want us to be a thing you will listen to me".

Asami stepped in.

"Hey. She's not your minion. She has her own thoughts and opinions so back off".

Kino looked at Asami.

"Who do you think you are??".

Asami crossed her arms.

"Korra's best friend. Now calm down".

Kino glared at Korra and left without a word.

"Thanks Asami", Korra said.

Asami looked at her. "No problem. He had no right to talk to you like that. Especially after he hurt you".

"Are you alright??", Bolin asked.

Korra rubbed her injured arm and shrugged.

"C'mon", Mako said. "Let's go that arm looked at".

The four headed to Asami's house.

The girls laughed.

"Thanks Asami. I needed that", Korra laughed.

The girls were at the mall. Kino had stopped texting Korra. They still hung out but he would barely say anything. Asami and the guys were always there. They didn't trust Kino anymore and with good reasons.

"This is nice", Asami said. "We never really got to hang out as much. This is fun".

Korra smiled brightly. Asami missed that smile. Korra hasn't really smiled like that in a while. The teen looked beautiful with that smile.

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