How do I know you love me?? Part 8

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"This is gunna be so awesome!!".

Asami smiled. She watched Mai as the little girl was bouncing in her seat. She looked around in excitement. The kid was hyper.

Asami giggled. "I'm sure it will be awesome", she said. "But please, try not to make too much noise, okay??".

Mai nodded, grinning.


Asami turned her head and grinned at her friends. The others had come as well to see the show. Bolin, Mako, Wu, Opal, Tenzin, Pema and their kids were all there with them. Mai had practically begged them all to come just because "Mama looks so pretty in her costume today" and to "make sure Mommy pays attention to Mama". So of course they couldn't resist Mai, and maybe a bit of a puppy dog look from the famous blue eyes of Korra herself, the group went.

Asami, Bolin, Mako and Opal smiled at eachother.

"Haven't we seen this like, a million times already??", Meelo asked, obviously bored already.

Mai looked at him, frowning.

"Yeah", she said. "But it's still awesome".

Asami nudged her. Mai turned her head and looked at her. Asami grinned and leaned in close. She whispered in her ear.

"It's okay Mai. He just doesn't like seeing this a lot of times over and over again. Plus, he's just bored. Boys get bored easily".

Mai smiled.

"That's true", she said.

Suddenly the lights dimmered. Mai's face lit up in excitement.

"It's starting", she said, smiling.

She tapped Asami.

"Make sure you pay attention", she told her mom.

Asami held in a laugh.

"I will. Promise", she said.

The show was going great. Better than the first few times the others had seen it. The performances for the songs were on point. The props changes were quick and easily done. The acting was actually believable yet simple and fun enough for the little kids, but yet mature enough for older ones.

Asami found herself smiling and laughing at some funny parts of the show. Some parts she wanted to rip Iroh's head off. She had to watch Korra and Iroh interact and touch and nearly always have physical contact with eachother throughout the entire show. It was putting Asami's self control to the test. She had to clentch her jaw.

Asami had never felt jealous about Korra before. But now, Asami wanted to get up, march up to Korra and Iroh, curse Iroh out and then drag Korra off stage and take her home where no boys would dare to make a move on her. But Asami had to just sit there and watch.

Then came the scene where Giselle and Robert danced together at the ball. The most romantic part of the movie.

Asami watched the two skate around, dancing and doing some really neat tricks. Asami had to admit. Iroh was strong. He easily lifted Korra into the air like she weighed nothing.

Asami listened to the song that nearly had broken her heart not even two days ago.

Korra, as usual, was smiling as she skated. They were under a spotlight, making them look like they were glowing.

"Mama looks so beautiful", Mai whispered.

Asami nodded.


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