What are you watching??

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Korra sighed.

"There's nothing good to watch".

"Tell me about it", Asami said.

The two were on their bed, trying to find something to watch. So far nothing. Korra let out a drawled sigh. She turned to baby show channel. It was on commercial. She decided to leave it there.

Korra turned her head. She look at Asami who was giving her a look.

"Don't judge".

Asami giggled. She reached a hand out a tuck a strand of hair out of her face. Korra smiled. Asami leaned over and gave her a kiss on her nose. Asami sat back.

"You're too cute for your own good", she said.

Korra smiled. She heard some noise coming from the tv. She turned and looked at the tv. A show was coming on. Once the intro played, Asami was creeped out. Boobah was the name of the show. Huh. Weird name. Korra tilted her name.

Bright colors filled the screen. There were voices that spoke words in a language Asami didn't even know was real. Sounded either Chinese or african. She had no clue. She looked at Korra. The brown haired teen was staring straight at the tv, not moving, seeming to be in a trance.

Asami raised an eyebrow. She looked back at the tv. Suddenly the creepiest thing happened. In the show, these fat blobs with eyes came out if little caccoon cribs. Their bi robotic eyes flickered as sounds came with each eye movement.

Bing bing bing ba!!

Asami jumped.

"What the hell??', Asami said.

Suddenly the blobs lifted off the ground and flew around. A weird music played and a rainbow filled the whole screen. It was like she was high.
Asami looked at Korra.
Korra was staring at the screen in wonder, her mouth slightly open. She had a blank face.

"Korra??", Asami said, getting a bit worried.

Nothing. Korra continued to stare at the walking cute fat blobs on the screen. Music and sounds came from the tv that sounded like something ONLY a baby would be able to bear. That was it.

Asami reached a hand out and picked up the remote. She changed the channel. Korra flipped out.

Korra looked at her quickly, eyes wide.

"What the hell, Asami??. Nooooo. Change it back".

"Korra", Asami said sternly. "Why are you acting so crazy??"

Korra whined. "Put it back!!. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now".

Korra was having a fit. Asami watched as the teenage girl poked her and lightly hit her arm, whining and nagging at her.

"Put it back. Put it back!!".

Asami changed it back. Korra stopped and relaxed. She stared at the screen. Asami stared at her.

Asami slowly slipped off the bed. She quietly left the room. Korra didn't notice one bit.

Asami stood in the hall.

"Okay then. Korra has lost her sanity".

Asami dug into her pocket, taking her phone out. She rung up Mako. It rang a few seconds before it was picked.

"Hey Asami".

"Get Bolin and get over here", Asami said. "I have a problem and I need to make sure I'm not the only sane person in this house".


Asami sighed. "Just come over. It's Korra. She's basically missing her brain".

"I won't ask", Mako said. "We'll be over there soon".

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