Midnight Parties (Oh boy )

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Rachell's POV

I quietly open my brother's bedroom door and peek inside. I smile as I notice him peacefully sleeping. I tiptoe into his room and when I get near his bed, I jump on top of him. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" I yell.

He jolts up, pushing me off the bed. I fall to the floor with a thud. "Ow," I whine.

He smirks. "That's why you don't scream at someone who's in a deep sleep."

I playfully roll my eyes. "Happy birthday, Luke," I repeat, standing up and hugging him.

He hugs back. "Thanks sis. Now, I'm going to go back to bed since it's eleven in the morning."

I chuckle and push back the covers off of him. "It's eleven," I remind him.

He gives me a blank look. "It's also a Saturday."

I roll my eyes. "You aren't spending your birthday sleeping in your bed all day."

"It'd be an awesome birthday though," he pouts.

I lightly punch him in the arm. "I actually made you a breakfast-in-bed."

He instantly smiles. "Who needs sleep?"

I laugh and look over at the door. "J, come on in!"

The door opens and Jordyn walks in with a tray of food. "Happy birthday, babe."

Luke smiles and grabs the tray from her, while standing up. He hugs her. "Thank you."

I smile. "Well, I'll leave you two alone," I say, walking out of his room. Once I close the door all the way, I quietly run into my room and shut the door. I grab my phone and instantly call Justin. Justin is Luke's best friend, but somehow he became really close to me as well. Not in that way though. He treats me like I'm his little sister and he's very protective since his real sister died a couple of years ago.

He picks up on the third ring. "Alpha, the porcupine is in the ditch. I repeat, the porcupine is in the ditch."

I silently chuckle. "Nice chose of words there..." I pause, trying to think of a code name for him. "Uh, Falcon."

"Thank you, Alpha," he says and I could tell he was grinning. "Anyways, how's it at the base?"

"So far, so good. J-dog is stalling him with a breakfast-in-bed," I inform.

"Nice, okay, I have people helping me set up the thing here. Remember, you need to stall him up until eight at night," he reminds me.

I nod. "Don't worry, he won't suspect a thing. Is Eagle there?"

"Yes, Eagle's here. But he's getting anxious that you aren't here yet," Justin answers.

"Well, tell Cars, I'll be there in a few hours," I say.

Justin laughs. "Oh boy, you're coming in a few hours?"

"Uh, yeah. Why?" I ask, confused.

"I told Eagle that you're coming after breakfast and J-Dog is going to stall Luke," Justin explains. "Oopsie daisy. I guess I'll have to tell him the bad news."

I chuckle. "Maybe we could do that plan."

"Awesome, okay, tell J-Dog and get your butt over here, please," he says, hanging up.

I chuckle and place my phone in my back pocket. I send Jordyn the quick text and grab my car keys that were laying on my nightstand. I quietly walk-fast down the stairs and go outside. I unlock my car door and hop in.

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