Two Amigos Skateboarding and Taco Bell

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God, does Maya have to be a stalker? She's wasting her time! Nathan came up behind me.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

I nodded.

"Okay, are you tired of playing board games?"

"Yeah" I laughed a little.

"Me too, so what do you want to do?"

"I've always wanted to learn how to ride a skateboard."

"I can teach you. Do you have a skateboard?"

"I have a penny board."

"Isn't that the girl version of a skateboard?"

"Yes." I laughed. I got up and walked downstairs and into my garage. I grabbed my penny board (like the one above) and went outside. Nathan followed with his skateboard. I got on my board and grabbed Nathan's hands. I rode down my driveway and onto the neighborhood sidewalk.

"Having fun so far?" he asked.

"Yeah." I giggled. After a while, I got used to riding and I let go of Nathan's hands. I started pushing myself forward.

~10 minutes later~

"Man, it's hot out." Nathan said, wiping sweat off of his forehead.

"Yeah, I could go for something cold."

"How about a slushie from Taco Bell?" he suggested.

"Omg yes!"

He laughed. We rode our skateboards to Taco Bell and went inside. We bought our slushies and sat down at a table.

"I'm having a fun time." Nathan said.

"Me too."

~15 minutes later~

We left Taco Bell and got back on our boards and rode back to my house. I went into my garage and laid down my board on a shelf. We went to my back patio and sat down in lawn chairs. I started looking through all my photos on my phone. I noticed that I have pictures of Jorydn and I, but none of me and Nathan.

"Nathan, I have no pics of you and me together, Wanna take some?"

He smiled and walked towards me. He sat down on my lawn chair and I put my arms around him. We sticked out our tongues and took two pictures. I looked at them and smiled.

"Can I see them?" he asked.

I nodded and handed my phone to him. He laughed.

"I'm not even looking at the camera in the first one!"

I laughed. "Do you mind if I post these pics on Instagram?"

"No, go ahead." I got into Instagram and posted the pic where Nathan isn't looking. I wrote in the caption, "Hanging with my guy best friend! 😎💖" I heard someone walking towards us. I quickly looked up and I smiled who was coming towards us.

{Who do you think is walking towards them?? Hope you liked the chapter! 😊}

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