Taco Bell Challenge and Karaoke

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"Uhhh, sure." I said.

"Awesome! By the way what's your name?" Johnny asked.

"Rachell." I replied.

"Cool, I'm Johnny." he said. I nodded. We walked to the back of his house.

"So what is this video going to be about?" Carson asked.

"The Taco Bell Challenge!" Johnny replied.

"Let's do this!" Carson said with his game face on. We sat down at a table and a girl walked over to us.

"Hi, I'm Lauren." she greeted.

"Hi, I'm Rachell."

"Here are your tacos," She handed each of us six tacos. "Good luck!" She sat down on a pool seat. Another girl came with a video camera.

"Johnny, are you going to introduce me to your new friend?" she asked.

"Darian, this is Rachell. She's going to be in the video. Also she came here with Carson." She nodded.

"Alright let's shoot this." She turned on the camera and signaled Johnny to start talking.

"What's up guys? I'm joined with Carson and a new friend, Rachell!" Carson and I waved. "We will be doing the Taco Bell Challenge!"

"Alright, we each have six tacos and we have to eat as many as we can in five minutes. Whoever eats the most is the Taco Bell champion!" Carson said.

"I have the timer set up." Johnny said.

"In three, two, one, go." I grabbed my first taco and started eating.

~5 minutes later~

Carson already finished his first taco. "I forgot to hit start." Johnny said.

"Wow." I laughed, but I almost choked since I have food in my mouth. I started coughing.

"Are you okay?" Johnny asked. I nodded.

"I thought I about died for a second." I laughed a little. I grabbed the rest of my taco. I finished the first one. About three minutes later, my stomach hurt like crazy.

"Ugh, can't eat anymore... My stomach is about to explode." I groaned.

"Same here, but I have to eat more if I want to be the champion." Carson groaned. He slowly took another bite from his fourth taco. I already ate four tacos, while Johnny and Carson is tied.

"Too full but too good." Johnny said in misery.

"Oh crap, dude how much time do we have left?!" Carson asked.

Johnny quickly looked at his phone. "Ten seconds left!" They quickly stuffed the last bit of their tacos into their mouth. Johnny: "It looks like we all tied with four tacos left."

"Good job, Rachell." Carson said.

"Thanks, same to you guys." I said.

"Since we all tied, we are going to do a quick trivia. Rachell is new, so she will ask us a question and Carson and I have to answer correctly." Johnny said.

"Okay, how many brothers do I have? A) one, B) two, or C) Three?"I asked.

"Two." Carson answered.

"Three." Johnny answered.

"Carson is correct." I said.

"Dang it!" Johnny complained.

"Oh yeah!"

"Since Carson won that trivia, Carson and Rachell will have to answer my question correctly." Johnny informed.

"Bring it on!" I said.

"Who are my two main idols?" he asked.

Well, shoot. How in the world should I know this? I just met the guy today. "Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande." I guessed.

"Justin Bieber and Austin Mahone." Carson answered with confident.

"Carson is correct!" Johnny said.


"Carson is the champion!" Johnny cheered.

"Oh yeah!"

"Thank you guys for watching. If you enjoyed this video make sure to like and subscribe. Peace out!" Johnny said.

"Alright good job guys!" Darian said.

"What do you guys want to do now?" Carson asked.

"How about karaoke?" Johnny suggested.

"Sure but I'm not a good singer." I said.

"It's okay." Carson said.

"Can I pick the song?" I asked.

"Sure." Johnny replied. I took out my phone and looked through all of my songs. I finally found the one I wanted, One Last Time by Ariana Grande. The music started playing. Carson sang the first verse. Then it got to the chorus.

"So one last time, I need to be the one who takes you home. One more time, I promise after that I'll let you go. Baby, I don't care if you got her in your heart. All I really care is you wake up in my arms. One last time, I need to be the one who takes you home."

I realized that I sang the chorus by myself and they were staring at me.

"Wow." Carson said.

"You're really good!" Johnny said.

"Umm, thanks." I replied.

"Have ever consider starting a YouTube channel and posting videos of you singing?" Johnny asked.

I shook my head no.

"You should because you have talent."


"I want to do a cover with you, will you please?!" Johnny asked.

{Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! 😊}

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