First Date (By Ourselves)

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Carson's POV

Today's the day, I've waited long enough. I'm going to take Rachell on a special date to celebrate our six month anniversary. I can't believe we've been together for half a year. Yes, I'm not including the weeks we weren't together. Right after when she meets up with Pam and Meagan, I'll pick her up. I took out my phone and texted Rachell.

Me- "Hey 😘"

Rachell- "Hey, what's up? 😘"

Me- "Make sure u have no plans at 5 pm through 9."

Rachell- "K, but y?"

Me- "I might take u on a date 😏"

Rachell- "Awesome, see ya then 😊" I smiled. Everything is going to be perfect.

Rachell's POV

Pam: "So do you have a new song?" I took my song book out of my purse. I flipped to the new song.

Me: "This is it." I showed Pam and Meagan the song.

Pam: "Your Love's Like. I like it."

Meagan: "Me too." I saw a girl walk up to us.

Meagan: "There you are, Mary."

Mary: "Sorry I'm late." She looked at me and smiled.

Mary: "Hi, I'm Mary."

Me: "I'm Rachell." I smiled back.

Pam: "Anyways, Liam wants to make a music video for that new song. I need to know what the wardrobe is going to be."

Me: "Oh, well here's the song." I slid my song book closer to her. I have no idea what kind of style she's looking for.

Pam: "What does the beat sound like?" I took out my phone and played the instrumental version of the song.

Me: "That's all I've got. Sorry there's no lyrics yet."

Pam: "It's fine." She listened to the sound.

Pam: "I love it. And I got what I'm looking for."

Me: "That's great."

Pam: "Alright, we are done here. Come on girls let's get going."

Meagan: "We're going to the arcade to play laser tag, you want to join?" I looked at the time; 4:30.

Me: "I'm sorry, but I promised my boyfriend I would meet up with him at 5."

Mary: "Aww okay."

Me: "Here give me your number. We'll hang out sometime soon."

Mary: "Okay." We exchanged numbers.

Me: "See ya guys later." They waved goodbye.

~10 minutes later~

I have twenty minutes until he comes and I still don't know what to wear! What kind of date is it? Where is he taking me? What if I don't wear the appropriate clothing? So many questions that don't have answers! This is an emergency! I took out my phone and called Jordyn. On the fourth ring, she answered.

Jordyn: "Hello?"

Me: "I NEED HELP! I'M HAVING MY FIRST DATE WITH CARSON AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WEAR! THIS IS CODE RED!" I yelled into the phone. There was a long pause. I heard someone knock on my bedroom door. I opened it and Jordyn pushed through.

Me: "How did you do that?"

Jordyn: "You're lucky we're neighbors."

Me: "Anyways, Carson is taking me on a date and I don't know what to wear. What if I don't wear the appropriate clothing? Where is the date going to take place? What kind of da-"

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