Pissing him off

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               Nova Baska's P.O.V

After are little make out session I went upstairs, and took a shower. Once I got out I wrapped a towel around me and I opened the door and went to our closet.

"Are you coming with me to class?" I ask Hunter. He is picking out clothes to wear. I don't really want him to come with though because I want to spend time with Quinn.

"No I have some business to take care of." He says pecking my lips.

"Do you kill people?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"Babe-" I cut him off.

"It's fine I actually don't want you to tell me." I say as I pick out my clothes an walk back to the bathroom locking the bathroom door in the process.

My bruises are all starting to go away thank God. So I decide to wear some denim high wasted shorts with a black crop top and a camo long jacket the covers my bum. I decided to leave my hair down straight.

"Babe can I come in?" I hear Hunter yell from the other side of the door

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"Babe can I come in?" I hear Hunter yell from the other side of the door.

I walk over and unlock the bathroom door for him to come in. While he gets in the shower I start on my makeup. I decide to wear not too much but not too little of makeup.

"Babe you know you don't need makeup right?" Hunter says as he gets out of the shower and put a towel around his lower half.

"Yeah I actually do know I don't need makeup I sure as hell don't need a guy to tell me that though, I wear makeup because I want too so don't tell me I don't need it I already know I don't fucking need it I don't need you telling me that." I say in one breath.

"Sorry babe." He mumble before he starts brushing his teeth.

"It's fine" I mumble back as I walk out of the bathroom and head downstairs for breakfast.

"Let me have the god damn orange juice you little pussy." I hear Nate yell.

"No fuck off." And then I hear Charlie yell right back.

"Both of you shut the fuck up." Alex yells to them as I walk into the kitchen.

"Hey guys." I say as they all turn to face me and flash a smile and say hi back.

I have really grown to love them the time I have been here.

"Are you going to school?" Alex asks.

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