I furrowed my eyebrows and touched the tulips as I placed my sunflowers around them.

"Hey Keith, it's been a while.." I began as I sat down and poured my heart out to my little brother.


"So you're going on a date with him?" Maddie shrieked, "I knew it, you like him"

"Okay first, this isn't a date and second I don't, I don't even know if I'm gonna go."

"Come on K, you haven't seen anyone since Calum, you need to go out and do something exciting."

"I have been doing exciting things thank you very much"

"Mmhm, like what?" She asked sassily with a hand on her hip.

"Remember, in China we went to that theme park!" I said pointing.

"K you didn't go on anything, you just ate candy floss" She rolled her eyes.

"I have had bad experiences with rollercoasters before" I stated.

"Okay whatever, you're going, go get ready"

I rolled my eyes and walked into my room as Maddie followed with clothes in her hands.


After trying on several outfits, Maddie had said this looked the best.

I simply wore white skinny jeans with a simple top and my denim jacket.

I entered the address into my phone to guide me where to go.

I flicked through the radio stations trying to find something I liked.

"You heard it here, our own radio host-"

"If you know the answer then text-"

"Up next we'll be talking to the boys from-"

I sighed and just ended up turning the radio off as I read my phone which said I should be there in a minute.

I widened my eyes as I pulled into the parking space and looked out the window.

I swiped my phone, unlocking it and checked the text Alex had said to make sure I was at the right place as I took a deep breath and stepped out the car, looking at my reflection in the window of the car.

I opened the door to the familiar place. It was the sushi place Calum had took me to on our date.

I was greeted by a woman as I looked around for Alex seeing him sitting in a booth as I told her I was with him.

I expected Dave to be there but then again, everyone seemed to be gone.

"Hey" Alex smiled as I walked over to him and sat across from him in the booth.

"Hi" I returned the smile as I gulped realising that we were seated in the exact same booth as Calum and I sat in.

"You look beautiful" He smiled.

"Thank you, so do you, well- not beautiful-not that I'm calling you ugly" I said putting my hands up in defense as I sighed.

"You look good" I started again as Alex laughed and the waitress came over to take our order.

"Hey kids, what can I get you?" She said.

I gulped again when Alex said his order as it was exactly what Calum had ordered, causing him to give me a strange look.

"Uh does Dave still work here?" I asked the lady.

"Oh I'm sorry hon, Dave left around 2 years ago" She said shooting me a sad look.

"That's okay, thank you" I smiled as she walked away.

"So you've been here before?" Alex asked me.

"Yeah, my boyf-my friend, he used to bring me here" I said, deciding it wouldn't be best to bring up previous boyfriends on a first date.

If you could even call it that.

"Oh I see" He nodded, "So tell me about yourself?"

"Oh sure, uh.." I thought, "Well I'm 19, um I love sushi.." I continued, mentally face-palming at my awkwardness.

He just laughed.

"I don't really talk to my parents, but that's a completely different story and not one for just now"

"Oh I see, Well I'm also 19 and I too like sushi" He laughed, "And on the family side of things, it's just me and my dad and my sister"

"Oh, cool" I nodded.

"You got any silbings?" He asked to which I nodded.

"A brother"

"Oh, I'd love to meet him sometime" He smiled.

"Oh, uh.. hes's dead" I nodded looking down.

"Shit, I'm sorry Katie"

"Everyone is.." I mumbled.



Stay with me y'all Calum is gonna appear I promise.

Basically Maddie's like Katie you're no fun man go on a date and she goes but she's like omg Alex you Calum???

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