32| Justice

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Dedicated to:smgala10

Thank you so much friend for the love and tremendous support! You've been a great help and a big part of Twin Tussle's success ^^


"Be silly, be fun, be different, be wacky. Be you, because life is too short to be anything but happy!"



Our BMW cruised down the street the next morning, with Caleb behind the wheel. The black tarmac streets shimmered, reflecting the hue of the bright-orange, Friday morning sun. I winded the car window down to feel the mesmerizing breeze against my face; my short bangs tickling my face in response.

A troubled look had invaded my face since I looked at myself in the mirror that morning. Even though Caleb and I made up, there was still something that has been squeezing my heart since last night.

I-want-to-ask-but-it-might-offend-him feeling.

"Caleb?" I gathered my guts and turned my gaze towards him.

His eyes remained fixated on the road "Hm?"

"I wanted to say that...yesterday I kind of snuck into your room and I kind of studied it"

A vein on his neck flexed and his Adam's apple bobbed. Expressionless. He looked at me for a split second, raised an eyebrow and got back to driving "So, did you find the body that I hid in my closet?"

Yeah right.

"No..." I rolled my eyes "But I found something worse"

His lips twitched into a smirk before he sighed out loud.

"Stop the car"

Caleb abruptly slowed the car down. With unhurried movements, he parked the car on the side of the street. His face contained a hint of worry. Seemed like he had guessed that I had a good idea about his little secret.

"Are you on drugs?" I snapped; a small and pretty straight-forward question; not very hard to answer.

His hands gripped the wheel, his nails digging into the leather. He chewed his lower lip and leaned forward to place his forehead on the steering.

"Why?" I raised my voice "Why Caleb?"

He murmured "You don't understand"

"I understand every damn thing Cal! What if mom saw it instead of me? What then? If there was something troubling you, you should've discussed it with us, why would you chose to-"

"I didn't take them yet!" he cut me off "I bought them-"

"From where?"

"I bought them from somewhere, okay?" he paused, shot me an irritated look and continued "Guess I was lazy enough to leave it out, exposed. That was stupid of me. I didn't take them yet, I swear!"

"But you were planning to, right?"

He sat in silence, kept his eyes shut and rubbed his temples. He wouldn't answer my questions but somehow I believed he knew that I knew why he was attempting to drug himself.

"...he's burning from the inside...he's dying..." Kimberly's voice rang in my ears. Was it so painful for him?

"I threw the pills away" I spoke, lowering my voice this time to loosen the tension in the air "But you'll have to promise me and I'll keep my mouth shut in front of mom and dad. Promise me that you'll never do this again"

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