25| Surprise

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Dedicated to:ALusson

Thank you for being such a sweetheart and supporting me!


"Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey towards it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us"

~Samuel Smiles


It was a cool Saturday evening. I tugged my tawny-brown cardigan closer and took a sip of warm coffee. Immediately, I feel a newfound energy arising in me. Maybe now I could focus clearly on what Kim was trying to say?

She kept on blabbering about something related to organic chemistry...or was it inorganic?

"...do you understand what I'm saying?" she suddenly questioned.

"Uhhh..." I shot her an apologetic look and shrugged "...No...yes...I don't know"

Annoyed, she rubbed her temple with her fingers and closed her eyes shut "I have no idea how to explain this to you. Maybe we could watch a few videos on youtube that might-"

There were loud knocks on my bedroom door that cut her off. I looked at Kimberly dubiously before striding up to the door and opening it.

In front of him stood Julian, huffing and puffing his lungs out "We need...your help" he whispered.

Kimberly and I hurriedly followed Julian downstairs to our main door. Our main door was open and up front on the street, Julian's car stood shimmering under the moonlight. Around the car stood a bunch of guys whom I recognized as Caleb's friends.

But Caleb was nowhere to be seen...

Anxiously, I walked upto them, secretly wishing Caleb hadn't done anything stupid. The boys moved aside when I walked upto them and one of them pointed inside the car.

In the interior, on the back seat, lay the passed-out-Caleb.

The first emotion to hit me was annoyance. How much did Caleb have to drink?

The second emotion to hit me was relief. Thank goodness he didn't do anything else.

"I tried to stop him from drinking a lot" one of the guys spoke up "But he kept on drinking bottle after bottle and I lost count of how many he finished"

I turned around to face Kimberly who was the only girl between twelve guys and all of them were shooting hungry glances at her "Kimberly, I think study is over for today. I want you to go home now, okay?"

She nodded and twirled around before she stomped away.

"So..." I continued "...let's carry him upstairs"

"Connor we're a group of twelve guys..." Julian stated "...we could have carried him ourselves. The problem is that your parents our sitting in your living room and the way upstairs to your rooms if right beside your living room entrance"

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair when I realized the severity of the situation "My parents might get mad as hell if they see him like that..."

"No shit Sherlock" one of the guys blurted out.

"I have an idea" I ushered them to come closer so I could whisper "I'll distract my parents and you guys can carry him upstairs. But...make it quite and quick, okay?"

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