Chapter 7

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Amrah's POV

It was just after Dhur when we arrived home. I dragged my suitcase into the house and entered the parlor. Mum was there doing something on her phone. I dropped my suitcase and ran as fast as my injured leg allowed me.

"Maaa!" I screamed and hugged her.

"Ah ah, what did I tell you about running like that, you aren't a little girl." She scolded.

I smiled. There she goes with her scolding. I missed it these few days away from home.

"Sorry ma, I just missed you soo much."

She smiled. "I missed you too. How was the wedding, I tried calling you but you're phone wasn't going through."

"It was amazing, I had so much fun and my phone died that's why." I explained getting a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Okay, go freshen up and come eat."

I nodded. "Where is hanan?"

"I sent her on an errand, she'll be back soon."

I nodded and went to my room. I opened the door and jumped on the bed, I sighed happily as I closed my eyes. I missed my bed so much. I got up and freshened up and changed into a pink top and my pajama pants after which I prayed.

I came down and Maa served me my food and I ate while I told her about the wedding, showed her pictures and videos and the souvenirs I got and then told her about how I hurt my leg, she scolded me for being clumsy but then she later massaged my leg which was so nice of her.

Hanan came back a few minutes later.

"Sis! You're back!" Hanan screamed from the door on seeing me. She came forward and gave me a hug. "I missed you. Life was so boring without you."

I laughed. "I missed you too. How are you?"

"I'm fine, So how was the wedding? You guys looked amazing from the pictures."

"It was so fun."

We chatted for some time and then I went to see Amina, I went in through the back door hoping and praying that Aunty didn't see me. Thankfully there was no one so I went straight to her room. She was on her bed pressing her phone.

I made a sound to frighten her, she looked up in fright and the expression on her face had me laughing so hard.

"I wish you could see your face right now." I said trying to control my laughter.

She got up and smacked my bum. "Don't ever try that rubbish again." She warned glaring at me.

"Owww, that hurts." I said rubbing the place.

"Serves you right."



We chatted for a while before I got up to go, on my way out, I bumped into Aunty, I greeted her but she only hissed and walked away without replying me. It didn't bother me because at least she didn't insult me.

After we had eaten dinner, Maa was making a call, Hanan was doing her assignment while I was watching a program. Ummi our househelp came in to inform me that Naseer was calling me outside.

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