Before you regret it

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After they told me that I needed to go to England the only hope I had was gone. But I knew that it was the only way out. My family and my friends were exposed if I didn't help them.

At first they seem to be nice with me and tried to convinced me, but then when they saw that I didn't want to. They showed me different tapes. My family and friends were there under control even if they didn't know it.

"You will help us, like it or not. Or is your decision. Your pride or your family." - the words of the woman repeated inside my head over and over again.

They gave me three days to prepare everything. They said they will take care about my planes and my visa. To my family I'm still disappeared. My heart broke even more. They still think I won't go back and they don't even know they are under control.

"I'm sorry for all of this." - Dr. Gibson said before I entered to the airport.

Apparently he was the only one who knew apart from the team "GEC" (Government External Control). I was even more mad when they told me that Liam will be with me the entire time. If I knew since the beginning that he was part of that stupid team of the government... But now was too late to think about all that.

I took my purse that only had my passport and a phone they gave me. Of course they  track me from there.

When I enter he was there looking as normal as he could with jeans and blue t shirt. A normal back pack. Remember you are a couple on a honeymoon. I said to myself when I get  closer to him.

I could see people from GEC all over the airport. Passing like normal passengers or police officers of the place.

"Good Morning Mr. Miller. Ticket for two?"- the lady at the front desk said smiling to us.

"Yes. We already have our reservation."- he said smiling back.

"Alright. So is Liam Miller and Tania Miller?" - she asked to confirm.

"Yes."- he said pulling me closer with his arm.

"How could they be married already? She is six years younger than me. Oh my god. This job won't  let me anything good at all." the voice of the girl said inside my head.

My body tensed. Smile, you are just married I repeated inside me and I tried to do it. The young lady smiled to us back and gave us our tickets.

"Good trip and enjoy your flight" - said the lady before we entered to the airplane.

I always liked to travel and get into the airplanes, enjoy the view and relax. But now was completely different. I left my family few weeks later they got me back from death. I can't remember when was the last time I saw my brother and sister. When was the last time I enjoyed a trip with them.

"Relax Clarissa." - Liam said from his sit next to me when he saw my hands closing so hard that my knuckles loos blood.

"Some champagne for the couple?"- said the stewardess

"Yes please." - I said taking two of them.

I drank them immediately. I needed some alcohol to relax and get some sleep. The only good thing about this was the first class and 9 hours out of their command.

"Here are your menus. I'll be back to see what do you want." - the stewardess said before leaving.

"So bad is to be here?"- he asked looking at me with a face of deception.  It was the second time I saw him so disappointed.

"You know I'm not thrilled about it..." - I said looking at my fingers.

The relation with him has been.... difficult and complicated. Since the day he told me everything  we didn't see each other until now.And our situation is different. I knew that he was honest about it. But I couldn't avoid the idea that he knew since the very begging. And obviously he noticed.

As long as you rememberDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora