Remember Remember.

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Both of the, sit down on the sofa. My older sister was tipping so fast that the noise of the phone seemed exorcised. I bet she was talking with Ben, her boyfriend. I used to remember how they met, but right now my mind is upside down.
"Does that hurt." Tom asked me, pointing my hand.
I didn't notice the tubes and the metal things that were inside of me. " well, now that you asked. Is the first time I see it" I tried to smile and calm him but I don't think that worked.

"Sorry honey, your father and I am trying to answer all the calls. Everyone wants to know how are you" my mom tried to explained and I realised on her face how happy and stressless she looked. As well as my dad she had dark shadows under her eyes.

"What's going on? I don't get it" I asked Tom when mom answered another call.
"You don't understand?" Both asked at he same time. "Claris, you were in a very deep sleep at least for two weeks." My sister answered with a sad gesture on her face.

"Wait, what!?!" My head started spinning and nothing make sense. I'm sure they are just bothering me as always.

"Please don't be mad, Claris. We are just telling you the truth. Believe me when I tell you all of us got very scared when they called from the hospital. Everything has changed"  she said trying to calm me down.
"Honestly, you don't remember anything?" My brother asked in a very low volume.

I didn't answer, but his question still in my head. I try very hard, close my eyes and try to remember but everything is dark and blurred. How could I not remember!?

Dr. Gibson asked them to leave us alone and my parents came in and sit down on the sofa.

Again the grey eyes look at me and open his mouth and close it. As if he was looking for the correct words, my parents look to each other. In that moment I realise something was going on and I felt as the girl who was no invited to a party but nobody wants to tell her.

"Please just tell me what is going on" I said looking at the three of them.

"Clarissa, darling" my dad started. "Do you remember that time when your grandfather started forgetting things and we needed to write him little note all over his house?" He waited for an answer, but I didn't answer because I don't know what is talking about.

"Hmmm" Dr. Gibson clear his throat and said "Fernando, just let me" he sited on the edge of my bed and continued "Clarissa the things are like this. You had a car accident 23 days ago, you were driving your friend's car at the high way." He stopped for a moment for me to process it.

"You were the only one who had a several brain damage, there rest of your friends are fine don't worry" my mom added. I thank her and God for that part because I couldn't imagine how bad I would feel if something bad happened to them because of me.

"A big trailer lost the breaks and hit you and two other cars. You were the only one on that car that had the seatbelt on. Your friends fortunately were thrown away with the impact" Dr. Gibson continued " the air bag of the car didn't opened at moment, so you were completed knockout when the trailer got you" the sound of my mom crying stopped him and I turned around to look at her.

"Mom? Mom look at me" I said to her but she couldn't stop. "Sandra look at me" I said again and I continue when she finally did. "Mom I'm fine. I'm here and I won't let go. Please calm down"  I looked again to the doctor.

"Clarissa the problem with you know is that we don't know how deep your brain is damaged. We have made studies and it seems to be fine in a certain point, however I know that your memory is not completely fine."

"What do you mean with "completely fine"" After one minute or two minutes of silence I asked.
The doctor hesitate for a second and answered "you might have some several problems remembering things, you maybe  remember what happened three or twelve months ago, but not fifteen or twenty four months ago" I closed my eyes. I can't believe it! I'm just 20 years old! My memory is my treasure or should I said was?

I didn't notice I was crying until my dad handed me a tissue.
"Well and now what? Do I need to go to therapies? Take medicine or what?" I asked the doctor.
He looked at me with that kind of face your parents have when you asked to come back late from a party or some vacations to your boss.
"Clarissa, right now you need to rest. Later on we will need you to take some tests and then we will be able to see what is next."

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