Not the only one.

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My dad arrieved five minutes after I closed the front door and ran up stairs to brush my teeth and get my stuff.  I imagined his face if he by any chance saw me getting outside Liam's house. I don't even think they know each other. My dad is not the typical jealous dad that starts making questions. At least I don't remember he had problems with my Zoe's boyfriends. It was easier that Tom got jealous than Fernando. But mom says that it will be different with me. She says that for dads is more difficult to let go the little girl. Personally I don't want to know.

"So, what do you want to eat?" - my dad said as relaxed and normal he could.

"I don't know, there are many places I haven't been for a very long time." - I said looking at my phone that had some messages.

"I was thinking on Mia's. What do you think?" - he asked excited.

"I don't remember that place." - I said feeling a little bit bad and frustrated. Maybe that's one of the reason I feel comfortable with Liam. He is new at the country. So he doesn't ask for things or places I don't remember at all.

"Maybe you will when we get there. It was one of your favorites." - he said trying to make me feel better.

I took the chance of the silence and the time we had to get there and saw the messages. Two of my sister and Sam asking what I was about to do. Sam was working at a kinder garden just for summer and Zoe just needed to say she was looking after me when mom return. One of Maya saying that she needed to talk to me ASAP and the last one made me laugh. It was Liam's image of DVD's ordered on alphabetical order and at the end two empty beers.

"What it so funny?"- Fernando asked.

"Sam, she says she needs vacations of the vacations"- I lied. Of course I couldn't tell it was Liam.

"Oh I bet her summer job is not that bad." - he said.

"I would't say that caring babies all day is an amazing job. Hearing them cry and yelling all day and let's avoid the part of cleaning everything. " - I said making faces of disgust.

"Well yes, maybe at your age is not the best summer job" he said stoping the car. On a place me that was very big and an amazing view of the city.

We entered to the the place and the hostess and the manager received us. They saw my dad and totally recognised him. They lead us to the terrace and give us a table for two that indeed had an amazing view of the city.
I remember the view and the smell of the place but I can't remember the place at all.

"I remember the view" - I said to my dad.
"Yes it is. That's why you use to loved it." - he said with a smile.
We order our drinks and he order for me food. He promised I would love it.

"So why are we here? It must be something important because you never leave your office or your work." - I asked drinking my water.

"I needed to talk with you and see if you are ready." - he asked not giving importance to my comment.

"About what?" - I asked.

"Your headaches will not stop until you know how to control the voices. We have a training group. Maybe they will also help you to understand what is going to happen and then control it. Get to know more people like us. And Claris you need to know that only if you are ready the training will work." - he said on serous tone.

"I need to remember how to drive." - I said trying to put a pause. If I don't drive there is no way I could go. Of course my mom wasn't an option.

"Fine, if you want your car and clases you got them." - he said if I was someone more of his company.

"I just need clases not a car. I'm going back to the UK." - I said

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